Proto-Indo-European root meaning "ten." It forms all or part of:cent;centenarian;centenary;centi-;centime;centurion;century;centennial;cinquecento;dean;deca-;decade;decagon;Decalogue;Decameron;decapod;decathlon;December;decennial;deci-;decile;decimal;decimate;decimation;decuple;decussate;denarius;denier(n...
decametre Dekan: 1. dean Dekokt: 1. decoction Dekoration: 1. décor, decoration | 2. order | 3. adornment, ornament Dekret: 1. decree Delegation: 1. delegation Delegierter: 1. delegate Delphin: 1. dolphin Delta: 1. delta Demokrat: 1. democrat Demokratie: 1. democracy Demonstration: ...
What rhymes with carriers? Here's a list of words you may be looking for.Filter by syllables: All | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 Word: All | n | v | adj | adv Common Only: Rhyming Words farriers fanciers carabiners wearers hairdressers inheritors pointers squarers starers tearers...
In decalogue the root deca- is combine with logos, Greek for "word" or "speech." According to the Bible, the original Decalogue, the Ten Commandments, was handed to Moses by God atop Mount Sinai. In Judeo-Christian tradition, the Ten Commandments are regarded as laws handed down from the...
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deca- before a vowel,dec-, word-forming element meaning "ten," from Latinized combining form of Greekdeka"ten" (from PIE root*dekm-"ten"). In the metric system, "multiplied by ten;" whiledeci-means "divided by ten." deci- in the metric system, word-forming element denoting one-tenth...
Also see words with g and v. abandonedly, abasedly, abashedly, abbeystead, abbeystede, abditory, abdominally, abdominocystic, abdominohysterectomy, abdominohysterotomy, abdominoscopy, abecedary, abidingly, abmodality, abody, aboundingly, abrayed, abridgedly, abruptedly, abscondedly, ...
It may be helpful for people looking for words that contain r, and words with r. aardvark, aardvarks, aardwolf, aardwolves, abampere, abamperes, abaser, abasers, abater, abaters, abator, abators, abattoir, abattoirs, abbreviate, abbreviated, abbreviates, abbreviating, abbreviation, ...
The root‘ager’means‘a field’. Can you guess the meanings of the words‘agrarian’,‘agronomy’and‘agriculture’. After knowing the meaning of the root‘ager’ the first thing that comes to mind is that the words have something to do with ‘the field’. Correct on that.‘Agrarian’...
tie the wedding knot trestle-board which may or may not yellow horde big dog of the tanyard closed Ward for the love of God reconciliation with God cuts the Gordian knot let go and let God of the Board out of one's gourd praise the Lord space of Destot spiny bitter gourd cutting the...