deca decem deci,decim dem demon derm di dia dic(t) dich div doc,doct dox,dog drom du duc(t) hundred center head hand color time cut;kill havingtodowithastateor country tocryout toclose gettoknow heart body universe;order;beauty
deca- = ten decagon 十角形 十分之一 deci- = one tenth decimeter 百 hecto- = hundred 千 kilo- = thousand kilogram \ kilowatt 千分之一 milli- = milligram 宏macro- = macrocosm 微micro- = microcosm 小mini- = little minibus \ miniskirt 多multi- = multiparty 多党的 poly-...
构词法(用root-stem-base部分).ppt,Chapter 3(构词法) 3.1 General Remark 概述 3.2 Compounding 复合构词法 3.3 Derivation 派生构词法 3.3.1 Prefixation 加前缀 3.3.2 Suffixation 加后缀 3.4 Conversion 词类转换法 The differences between “root”, “stem” and “b