This set of spelling worksheets focuses on spelling words with long ee and ea. These are geared towards a 2nd grade spelling level, but can be used for any kids that are at working on spelling with long ee and ea words. Finds lots of 2nd Grade Spelling
Words Words With the Long U Sound Phonics Worksheet: Multiple Choice - Each picture has three words that describe it. Choose the word that has the Long U sound. The Long U sound is the sound in Tuesday, mule, cue, fuel, and queue. Worksheet Printout.
Long A Sound Words Worksheet When you are teaching kids to read, it begins with a focus on short vowels. It starts with simpleCVC wordslike cat, and then you begin to addblendsto make words like cast. But finally, your grade 1 student is ready to move onto spellinglong vowel word. Ty...
Long A Sound Words Worksheet When you are teaching kids to read, it begins with a focus on short vowels. It starts with simpleCVC wordslike cat, and then you begin to addblendsto make words like cast. But finally, your grade 1 student is ready to move onto spellinglong vowel word. Ty...
-ear ('eer' sound)Slider, Flashcards, & Word Wheel Word Slider -ear Words(Long-e "eer" sound) Cut out the truck and the word strip along the dotted lines. Thread the word strip into the slots on the truck that end with -ear. Read the words: ear, near, clear, dear, year, tear...
Words Words With the V Sound Phonics Worksheet: Multiple Choice - Each picture has three words that describe it. Choose the word that has the V sound. The V sound is the sound in video, very, love, and alive. Worksheet Printout.
This game is similar to other bingo games, with just a little twist. Player 1 spins the spinner. Whatever the spinner lands on, they need to find a word that makes that sound. If you spin long e, then the player can cover up any word that has the long e sound like beast or cream...
Some words have the "long e" sound, but some do not) Kindergarten and 1st Grade Word Wheel: -eet Words As students spin the wheel, they can read the following words: feet, sleet, meet, greet, street, beet, and sheet. Kindergarten and 1st Grade Word Wheel: -eep Words The c-v-v-...
3rd Grade Dictation Sentences are now included in each week’s activity set: The teacher/parent will read each sentence aloud and the student will write each sentence on the provided worksheet. This helps ensure that students are making the connection between the spelling words and how they are...
Browse our 'Words with AI and AY' learning resources aligned to the CCSS. Learn words that contain 'AI' and 'AY' patterns through fun ELA activities. Start for free!