When your first grader student is ready to move on to long vowel sounds, you will love this handyvowel activity. Thislong a sound words worksheetuses letter tiles for a hands-onlong vowel activityfor grade 1. Simply printlong a sound wordspdf file and you are ready to play and learn!
This set of spelling worksheets focuses on spelling words with the long a sound. These are geared towards a 2nd grade spelling level, but can be used for any kids that are at working on spelling long a words. Finds lots of 2nd Grade Spelling worksheets
Find Long e ey Words Worksheet Long e and ey Word Puzzle Worksheet Long e and ey Word Rainbows Worksheet Say, Trace and Write long e and ey Words Sentences with Long e and ey Words Related Worksheets Long ee ea Words Spelling Worksheets ...
The combination of both “ee” and “ea” result in the long e sound. Long E Spelling Worksheet: -ea Words We offer a free long e worksheet that encourages a child to say, trace and write the following -ea words: pea, sea, tea, flea and plea. Long E Worksheet: -ead Words We ...
1. Long e sound: E2. Long e soldiers(小兵): e, ea, ee, e-e, ey, ie, -y E将军二郎神,有法宝 千里眼顺风耳,被偷窥3.Long e words以上内容来自专辑 Super Phonics 542941免费订阅 Long e(长音e):e, ea, ee, e-e, ey, ie, -y 106806:14 Chapter 3 Long vowels(长元音) 26405:13 shor...
With these printable worksheets, games, and activities, students will practice reading and writing words with the long e vowel sound.
Long a vowel worksheet Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> ___ <<. Thelong a sound words worksheetpdf file will open in a new window for you to save your freebie. Now print off the no-prep cvc worksheet...
『自然拼读』—长元音ea的发音Long vowel pair EA Sound Song l Phonics for English Education (1)SHAREZZ 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多7050 2 2:17 App 『自然拼读』—字母组合er的发音 Sound Song l Phonics for English Education 3661 2 2:17 App 『自然拼读』—字母组合ur的发音 ...
分类 以 学习 Long /ē/ Sound EA作者: nataliya.lyk 分类: 字母/语音拼读 配对1 配对2 配对3 填充 读默 speak tea teacher heat meat read关于网站 说明 贡献 隐私政策 使用条款 联系我们 注册 登录 ©2009-2025 巧克力单词
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