33.The prefix of "centi" means "one hundred of a meter" in the word "centimeter". A:对B:错 答案:对 34.Which word refers to having few carpels or fruit? A:oligandrous B:olighydria C:oligcarpous D:oligemia 答案:oligcarpous 35.Which word with "oct-" does not mean "eight" ?
Some root words can be used independently, while others need to be combined with a prefix (i.e., letters at the beginning), a suffix (i.e., letters at the end) or another root word (e.g., -logue) to form a standalone word. Root wordMeaningExamples act to do react, action, act...
Divide words with prefixes or suffixes between the prefix or suffix and the base part of the word: re. state. ment, un. relent. ing. Divide two-syllable words with double consonants between the two consonants:strug. gle, shat. ter. Chapter 2 Diction ...
centigray chetah chipekwe chorda corda courir couvrir deh diotae eigh embay erda etah eyrir foodway foresay gidday gorda holler homogay impropre jubbah juxtae kabbah keddah keshkeh klay korda kyodai lotah lunkah lyster lyttae mayster mcclay mccray mcray misbah mispay mkay muh namaste niddah...
To the name of the unit have been prefixed the particles deci, for tenth, centi, for hundredth, and milli, for thousandth. They are thus expressed, a decimetre, a decilitre, a decigramme, a decistere, a deciare, a centimetre, a centilitre, a centigramme, &c. The facility with ...
centigray countersway cupper dayereh eigenray ether firebay fluffer glaver glover groomer hoddengray holigay icetray kenpaullone kilogray mantellone mellay microgray morglay nanoelectrospray oiler outpray parlay patia poppinjay ra'y scray scupper shyster sibia spadea spae spotter stabler sweigh tha...
1) mouse - used as prefix and suffix of names of mouselike animals, e.g. Mysateles, Geomys. Must not be confused with emys (q.v.). 2) muscle (from mouse shape) - endo-, peri-, epimysium, myasthenia, myalgia. Usually in form of myo: myology, myocardium, myotome, myomere, ...
PREFIX blandi X X sweet-, soothing-, smooth-, charming, flattering; PREFIX cardio X X cardio-, pertaining to the heart; PREFIX centi X X hundred (numerical prefix); PREFIX centu X X hundred (numerical prefix); PREFIX circum X X - around, about, near; PREFIX col l X X - together,...
centigray countersway cupper dayereh eigenray ether firebay fluffer glaver glover groomer hoddengray icetray kenpaullone kilogray mangier mantellone mellay microgray morglay nanoelectrospray oiler outpray parlay patia ra'y scray scupper shyster sibia spadea spae spotter stabler sweigh that're the...
centigray chabudai countersway cryospray dandere dessay eigenray firebay hassagay hoddengray holigay icetray jk kamancheh kilogray lancegay limpeh malunggay metaplay microgray milligray miniessay miniplay nanoelectrospray nanospray nonrailway parfay polykay ponyplay poppinjay portray recte roadway tal...