Cent 4 3 1 1 Old French Crossed 7 5 2 1 Carlos 6 4 2 2 Spanish Cook 4 2 2 1 Middle English Cousin 6 3 3 2 Old French Couple 6 3 3 2 Old French Color 5 3 2 2 Middle English Prefix: c-. List of words that begin like c / start with c. 1 2 3 4 Next Last...
When affixes are added to the beginning of roots or root words, they are called prefixes For example, the most common prefix is un-, which meant not oropposite of. If you add un- to the word happy, the new word becomes unhappy, which means not happy. When affixes are added to the ...
preferment, preferments, preferred, preferring, prefers, prefigure, prefigured, prefigures, prefiguring, prefilter, prefilters, prefix, prefixal, prefixed, prefixes, prefixing, prefocus, prefocused, prefocuses, prefocusing, prefocussed, prefocusses, prefocussing. preform, preformed, preforming, ...
Cent: 1. cent Centavo: 1. centavo Centimeter: 1. centimetre Cerium: 1. cerium Champagner: 1. champagne Champignon: 1. mushroom Chamäleon: 1. chameleon Chance: 1. chance, luck Chaos: 1. chaos, tangle Charakter: 1. character, nature, personality Charlatan: 1. charlatan, imposter, quack ...
combining a root morpheme with the bound morpheme '-able.' More complex again is 'undesirability' which comprises one root and three bound morphemes: un+desire+able+ity. Notice also how, in complex words of this sort, the spelling of the root may be altered to conform to the bound morphem...
Neo- () A prefix meaning new, recent, late; and in chemistry designating specifically that variety of metameric hydrocarbons which, when the name was applied, had been recently classified, and in which at least one carbon atom in connected directly with four other carbon atoms; -- contrasted ...
New HSK 1 Chinese Vocabulary Pinyin Starting with B bā 八 num eight1. He is an eight years old boy. tā shì yí gè bā suì de nán hái 他是一个八岁的男孩。 2. This ice cream costs 8 RMB. zhè gè bīng qí lín bā kuài qián ...
Prefix: Suffix: Scrabble Word Finder Scrabble Help Scrabble Dictionary Lookup Scrabble Help - Strategy Boggle SolverTweet This is a list of I words are from the official Scrabble dictionary. As I is a vowel and also a very common letter in Scrabble and Words with Friends, we have only list...
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word-forming element expressing direction toward or in addition to, from Latin ad "to, toward" in space or time; "with regard to, in relation to," as a prefix, sometimes merely emphatic, from PIE root *ad- "to, near, at." Simplified to a- before sc-, sp- and st-; modified to...