spring noun the season of growth square noun (geometry) a plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles; a four-sided regular polygon stability noun the quality or attribute of being firm and steadfast stable noun a farm building for housing horses or other livestock staff noun ...
symbolize sympathize turbanize vocalize caponize galvanise kaolinize marinize signalize socialize stabilize synopsize analyze canalise crystallize dramatize energize gourmandise maximize methodize mobilize ostracize otherwise spirantize tantalize tumefies verbalize actualize cebuanize centralize deurbanize individualiz...
Today, wreaths are made up of various evergreens shaped in a circle that represents continuous life, as well as four candles that symbolize the four weeks of Advent. On the first Sunday of Advent, a purple “Prophet’s Candle” is lit as we focus on Hope and Jesus’ coming. The second ...
symboln.象征,标志e.g.Thedoveisasymbolofpeace.鸽子是和平的象征1)symbolize(又作symbolise)v.象征2)symbolic(又作symbolical)adj.符号的,象征(性)的3)symbolismn.象征主义,象征手法 varietyn.品种,多样性avarietyof=varietiesof种类繁多的词性转换vt.vi.改变;变化→varietyn.多样性→___adj.不同的;各种各样的...
15. symbolize v. to represent(something)象征;代表 e. g. The dove symbolizes peace.鸽子象征和平。 The poet has symbolized his lover with a flower. 那诗人用花象征他的爱人。 【知识拓展】 symbol n. sign, shape or object which is used to represent something else 象征,标志;记号 【常用搭配】...
When I looked for the garden archetype I found that gardens symbolize love and fertility (YourDictionary 2). Flowers and gardens also have many symbols associated with them depending on who you ask. 1032 Words 5 Pages Decent Essays Read More Family In Barbara Kingsolver's The Bean Trees ...
Because it brings her and Hans closer together, it symbolizes growth in their friendship, and a new beginning with her new family. Her first stolen book is used to teach her how to read and brings her more comfort with her new life. This causes it to symbolize her growth; a new ...
In this song, he raps about hard times, suicide, and the bells; however, he never says where the bells are coming from or what they symbolize. Only after …show more content… Cole moves away from the bells and begins listing all the tribulations that any young person goes through and ...
I’m thrilled that I was able to observe history in the making and proud to have played a part in the growth of a sport that brought me so much pleasure. Knowing that it has made an impact on the growth popularity of Ironman, I try to protect its use as a historical document. The...
When you feel disconnected or alone, look up. That bright moon is the same one your friends, family, or that special someone is also enjoying. Let it symbolize that you’re still united, even from afar. Looking to the Moon for Wisdom ...