Although the young man failed in starting his own business, he didn't lose face. The company's payroll have one part for growth play and one for night play. When people see a sentence in English, they enjoy a link words to each other. Because of this linking the words in a sentence ...
Sign up to get everything a word lover could want: word origins, fun facts, and the latest language trends. Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. Quiz Q: What part of the plant can vegetables come from?
The beguiling salesperson used her charm and wit to persuade customers to buy the more expensive product, even if they didn’t initially intend to. 11.Carnal:Relating to physical, especially sexual, pleasure or desires. The fragrance company marketed its latest scent as a carnal indulgence that ...
Abundant shell middens testify to the importance of the marine domain in southern Tierra del Fuego. While their shapes and sizes vary, ring-shaped shell middens are most ubiquitous, typically appearing in clusters close to the sea (Barceló et al.2002; Bjerck et al.2016b; Piana and Orquera...
The century-plant (American aloe), 1843, was believed to bloom only after a century of growth.cinquecento (n.) also cinque-cento, "the sixteenth century" (in reference to Italian art and literature), 1760, from Italian cinquecento, literally "500," short for mil cinquecento "1500." See ...
DoyouthinkthatIamtalkingforthesakeoftalking?Pleaselisten carefully! 你以为我是在为讲话而讲话?请仔细听着! 2.[U]forthegoodorbenefitof为了...好处 IunderstandthatFatherisstrictwithmejustformysake. 我明白父亲是为了我好才对我要求严格。 Thepoormotherworkeddayandnighttomakemoneyforthesakeofher sick...
A thicket, grove, or growth of small trees. used in: The Gold Bug coquetries Flirtations. used in: The Man of the Crowd corpulent Having a large bulky body. Obese. used in: Hop-Frog cosmogony A theory of the origin of the universe. used in: The Murders in the Rue Morgue Cotopaxi ...
as in to growto look after or assist the growth of by labor and care dress the beans by applying fertilizer once a week Synonyms & Similar Words grow cultivate produce culture plant promote harvest tend raise crop rear breed propagate sow gather reap sprout glean ...
cultivate" (seecolony). Meaning "the cultivation or rearing of a crop, act of promoting growth in plants" (1620s) was transferred to fish, oysters, etc., by 1796, then to "production of bacteria or other microorganisms in a suitable environment" (1880), then "product of such a culture...
On a month-on-month basis, Singapore’s non-oil domestic unexpectedly dropped 0.4%, compared with a expectations of a 4.1% growth. Charmaine Jacob,lim Hui Jie, CNBC, 16 July 2024 Neon opened the Sydney Sweeney nun horror pic Immaculate to $5.3M and $15.6M domestic, which for them and ...