Sonder is a wonderful way to describe the feeling we experience once we get a wider view outside of "our own little world," that "everyone has complex lives, no matter where you may be in the world. Everyone has their own stuff that they're dealing with," that's just as compl...
” used to describe “refined and sophisticated appearance or behavior.” Cambridge’s winner is the verb “manifest.” And Collins Dictionaries selected “brat,” used in the new sense of “a confident, independent, and
The histogram is generated by adding up the fuzzy membership values of each word to describe the images. The experimental results show that the proposed FBoW outperforms traditional BoW for social image description. 展开 关键词:Bag of words Fuzzy sets theory Image description Social images ...
overworked Chinese are using the term 班味 (bān wèi), or “office stench,” to describe the lingeringmalaisethat makes everything — from finishing work on time to finding a new, less miserable career — so much harde...
Yes. And the word 'hater' has been used to describe somebody who says or writes unpleasant things about others or criticises their achievements, especially on the internet. Li That's right. Hater 怀恨在心的人。通常用来指那些在互联网上总是指责批评别人的、发表负面言论的人。And how is it dif...
根据第四段中 “It was her way of appreciating those who helped her recover from the earthquake and telling the world that it was all in the past.(这是她感谢那些帮助她从地震中恢复过来的人的方式,也是她 告诉世界一切都过去了的方式)”可知,她参加半程马拉松的目的是为了感谢那些热心帮助她的人。故...
The term refers to something that sets a characteristic example or standard of its kind. It reportedly began trending when a video went viral showing a Shanghai police officer who acted "by the book" to forcibly demand a driver's license. The term can also be used to describe something tha...
Yes. And the word ’hater’ has been used to describe someone who says or writes unpleasant things about others or criticises their achievements, especially on the internet. Hater 怀恨在心的人。现在通常用来指那些在互联网上总是指责批评别人的、发表负面言论的人。
warm. At school, all the students and teachers are friendly to me. They always motive me with inspired words, which have a significantly positive impact to me. In a short, I think love is something that we can’t describe well in any language. Love gives us a lot. So please value ...
【3】Which of the following can be used to describe “take an action without a plan”A.Buy the fly of the zipper .B.See a fly go up in the air.C.Kill the fly in your house.D.Fly by the seat of your pants.【4】Which word has the most meanings in the English language ...