state noun the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation statement noun a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc station noun a facility equipped with special equipment and personnel for a...
You can, of course, appeal to have the restriction lifted by sending a sincere message to LinkedIn Customer Service explaining that you did not know what you were doing and that you will *never* again send out an invitation to someone you don’t know. There is no official Linkedin way to...
server profile virtulization: Virtual Connect Service profiles allow one to take attributes of a server such as WWNS, MAC addresses, FC boot parameters, etc and store them as a software construct, thus making the hardware itself “stateless”. The Cisco UCS analog to this would be Service Pro...
Anarchism is defined as the political ideology that advocates stateless societies based on non-hierarchical voluntary associations. It is often related to chaos, disorder and violence. The main two strains of anarchism are anarcho-communists on the left which believe that “Monopoly is the father of...
The courts decided that this case violated the 8th amendment because it would leave Trop stateless. To leave one stateless would cause possible future harm because one would not belong to any country. This punishment was ruled cruel. Dissenting ...
popular Front Government of France. This faction had provided very little substantial support to her sister regime as the French coalition was divided about whether or not to grant this support. This division is because of the fact that although the Prime Minister, Leon Blum, wanted to support ...
the people living in this land are troubled by their struggle with the government and trying to form a democracy. Matthew Carotenuto stated, “Much of the world had historically viewed Kenya as an island of peace and economic potential in a roiling sea of stateless chaos.” What he means ...
He proposed a new government, a new nation where all the citizens are from Aryan stock. But a rejuvenated and empowered Germany was just the first phase of his plan. Hitler always wanted to rule the world, if not the whole of Europe justifying it as a means to ensure the security of ...
Unfortunately, the people living in this land are troubled by their struggle with the government and trying to form a democracy. Matthew Carotenuto stated, “Much of the world had historically viewed Kenya as an island of peace and economic potential in a roiling sea of stateless chaos.” ...