What is the difference between a multistate nation and a stateless nation? Give some examples. Nations: A nation is a term that actually has several related but distinct uses; often, it has a roughly comparable sense to ethnicity, indicating a population sharing a ...
In the main story, we have the DMA threatening a non-Federation colony, soDiscoveryjumps in to evacuate the colonists. Among those needing to be rescued are the half-dozen or so inmates of a prison, which the colony leader calls "the examples," interned to serve as a crime deterrent. Th...
stateless statelet stately stately home Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024 How to usestatehousein a sentence As the Register first reported this week, Wessel-Kroeschell told members of her party that she wanted to challenge Grassl...