It is said that at one time the Egyptians called Draco Tanem, not unlike the Hebrew Tannim, or Aramaic Tannin, and perhaps of the same signification and derived from them. The Egyptian Necht was close to, or among, the stars of Draco; but its exact location and boundaries, how it was...
intrench intrepid intrigue intromit introrse intubate intwists inundate inurbane invalids invasion invasive inveigle inventor inverses inversor inverter inviting invocate involute involved inwardly iodoform iotacism iotizing iranians ironbark ironclad ironlike ironware ironwood ironwork irrigate irritant irritate...
Many English words are derived from ancient Greek words. Here is a short list of some of them. The Greek word is listed first; the English root word is second, followed by the definition: Angeion > angio - vessel Bios > bio - life Deka > deka - ten Energeia > energeia - energy Gig...
The two Horns of the Bull, Al Hecka is on the tip of south horn, iota is on the south horn El Nath on the north tip Al Hecka Zeta (ζ) 23GEM23 24GEM47 +21° 8′ 33″ -02.11 5h 37m 38.7s B2 iota (ι) 15GEM24 16GEM47 +21° 35′ 24″ -01 12 18 5h 3m 5.7s A5...
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“But how do you get from nothing to such an elaborate something if evolution must proceed through a long sequence of intermediate stages, each favoured by natural selection? You can’t fly with two percent of a wing or gain much protection from an iota’s similarity with a potentially conce...
acute apostrophe asterisk break breve bugzilla caron cedilla circumflex colon column depress diacritics diaeresis dialytika dot em Eta Eth Euro exclamation feminine grave greater Greek hex indicator intended iota ligature macron majuscules mark markup masculine minuscule ogonek omega ordinal pasting period Pi...
iotacism labdacism labialism lionism lobbyism locationism lymphatism mancinism melodicism mutationism neoimpressionism neonism officialism otzovism partialism picquerism platformism pleinairism porism possessionism possimism postracism pythonism qabalism restrictionism saltationism servilism souperism stadi...
A (finite) binary word (or string) w is a finite sequence of elements from {0,1}. We denote the i'th character of w by wi, and its length by |w|. Note that we index words from 1. The empty word, denoted ε, is the unique word with length 0. The set of binary words of ...
theta - th iota - I (short i) kappa - k lambda - l mu - m nu - n xi - ks (x) omikron - o (short o) pi - p rho - r sigma - s tau - t upsilon - u (oo) phi - f chi - ch (k) psi - ps omega = o (long o)...