Upper Case LetterLower Case LetterGreek Letter NameEnglish Equivalent Letter Name Pronounce Α α Alpha a Β β Beta b Γ γ Gamma g Δ δ Delta d Ε ε Epsilon e Ζ ζ Zeta z Η η Eta h Θ θ Theta th Ι ι Iota i Κ κ Kappa k Λ λ Lambda l Μ μ Mu ...
Transliteration: iótaPronunciation: ee-OH-tahPhonetic Spelling: (ee-o'-tah)Definition: iota, jotMeaning: iota, a small letter of the Greek alphabet, used in the NT (like yod, the Hebrew or rather Aramaic letter which was the smallest of all) to indicate the smallest part....
the three ‘i’ letters - eta, iota and upsilon which sound like “ee” or the two 'o' sounding letters omicron and omega. Table of the Greek Alphabet, symbols, pronunciation and English equivalent Greek name of letter Upper Case Symbol Lower Case Symbol English equivalent Pronunciation...
Below are the upper and lowercase of each letter in the Greek alphabet in order and the English pronunciation of that letter's name: Αα - Alpha Ββ - Beta Γγ - Gamma Δδ - Delta Εε - Epsilon Ζζ - Zeta Ηη - Eta Θθ - Theta Ιι - Iota Κκ - Kapp...
希腊字母表_Greek letters
希腊字母(Greek letters) 1.1 字母(Letters) 1.1.1 希腊字母(Greek letters) 大写字母 小写字母 所代表的 Capital letter Small letter 英文名 中文名 英语发音 希腊数字 序号 Upper-case Lower-case 称 称 English Greek Order letter letter English Chinese pronunciation Number (HTML 格式 (HTML 格式 name name...
1 Each letter had a num erical value assigned to it, similar to Hebrew and Latin; the Greeks wrote numbers using letters, akin to Roman numerals.2g before -g, -k, or -c is pronounced (n): (angelos)3e letter, named e}yilov n, literally means “simple e” sound.4ú, û, ü...
Define Greek alphabet. Greek alphabet synonyms, Greek alphabet pronunciation, Greek alphabet translation, English dictionary definition of Greek alphabet. Noun 1. Greek alphabet - the alphabet used by ancient Greeks alphabet - a character set that includ
Ι (Ήτα): “Iota” Α (Άλφα): “Alpha” In block capitals, it’sΓΕΙΑ.In lowercase, it would beγεια,with the letter “gamma” slightly different from its capital letter version. If you addσας (sas)to the end, yourγειαbecomes formal or plural. If you...
is the last letter of the alphabet. Keep in mind that the "Δ" is pronounced as a cross between the "D" and "TH" from the English alphabet and the "B" in Greek is pronounced similar to the "V" in English. Click the appropriate link to view the Greek pronunciation, name, spelling...