Stats:how many guesses everyone took! New wordle in 20:30:57 Wordle Spinoffs: ordered by popularity Feudle NEW!Wordle meets Family Feud. Guess the top responses to today’s survey question - which real players answered yesterday! Connections ...
'Wordle' is great, but there are TONS of other exciting word games out there just waiting for you to play them. Here are our favorites: BySuzanne Humphries Sep 5, 2022 'Wordle' Stats Will Sync Across Devices, but There's a Catch ...
For quite a fewVergewriters, this hasn’t been the case. Some have clicked on the stats button to see a completely clean slate, with no streak or stats. One can see how many games they’ve played and their win percentage, but their streak seems to have been reset. And one of...
stats5 stave8 stays8 stead6 steak9 steal5 steam7 steed6 steek9 steel5 steep7 steer5 stein5 stela5 stele5 stems7 steno5 stent5 steps7 stere5 stern5 stets5 stews8 stewy11 stich10 stick11 stied6 sties5 stiff11 stile5 still5 stilt5 stime7 stimy10 sting6 stink9 stint5 stipe7 stirk9...
If your purchase of this app is not working, just delete & down load app again. (May want to back up your data first. I didn’t & lost stats.) That solved the problem. Here’s the whole story…I wrote a complaining review about how when I purchased the app to get rid of constan...
Wordle!Ratings and Reviews 4.6out of 5 770.6K Ratings
Updated 7/14/22 with news about stats syncing and the Wordle board game. Wordle: What’s different with the New York Times’ version For the most part, the NYT has kept Wordle the same. You still only play once a day and the rules are the same, but some “obscene… incentive or of...
It's essentially the exact same game as Wordle, right down to the stats/streak info, so it's a small wonder that it hasn't yet been shut down by the NYT. Play it today and sharpen up your game. Is it cheating to play Wordle Unlimited? Absolutely not. It can help you hone your ...
Replay today's puzzle with the 'correct' word. Warning: you will have a bonus win added to your stats. Copy and paste this URL in the same browser you play Wordle:" What is Wordle? Wordle is a web-based puzzle that requires players to ...
Your Wordle stats will be reset every time because it’s incognito and all you have to do is close the tab after completing your game. You can try the Wordle as many times as you’d like. If you exhaust your 6 attempts and haven’t figured out the word, just close the Incognito ses...