Wordle, theextremely popular online puzzle, is now officially being run byThe New York Timesafter its creator sold ita few weeks ago. It lives at a new URL,https://www.nytimes.com/games/wordle/index.html, but before you head there for your daily game, you should know that there ...
1. WordleBot by the New York Times What is it? WordleBot was launched by the NYT in April 2022 with two objectives: help people improve their game and persuade people to sign up to an NYT subscription. Obviously, they wouldn't admit to the latter, but it's pretty clear to me that ...
'Wordle' Stats Will Sync Across Devices, but There's a Catch 'The New York Times' will let you sync 'Wordle' stats across devices---but is this the beginning of the end? ByAndrew Heinzman Jul 13, 2022 NYT's New WordleBot Is Perfect for 'Wordle' Stat Nerds ...
Updated 7/14/22 with news about stats syncing and the Wordle board game. Wordle: What’s different with the New York Times’ version For the most part, the NYT has kept Wordle the same. You still only play once a day and the rules are the same, but some “obscene… incentive or of...
players are also able to access five different puzzles with increasingly larger numbers as well. I solved today's puzzle and found it to be an enjoyable number-based game that should appeal to inquisitive minds that like puzzle games such as Threes or other The New York Times titles like Wo...
On Twitter, the Times called attention to the situation writing, "Good morning Wordlers. Seeing a different answer than your friends? Replay today's puzzle with the 'correct' word. Warning: you will have a bonus win added to your stats. Copy and paste this URL in the sam...
You can try the Wordle as many times as you’d like. If you exhaust your 6 attempts and haven’t figured out the word, just close the Incognito session, and re-open Wordle in another incognito tab and you will get a fresh attempt at today’s Wordle. ...
Wordleis a quick activity for unpretentious leisure time. But it’s also a more intense gaming activity for those players who take their scores seriously. The New York Times website keeps track of which attempt each player hit the secret word on, and compiles this data in a graph along wi...
On Twitter, the Times called attention to the situation writing, "Good morning Wordlers. Seeing a different answer than your friends? Replay today's puzzle with the 'correct' word. Warning: you will have a bonus win added to your stats. Copy and paste this URL in the same browser you ...
Wordle’s migration to The New York Times went down this week, and while the game itself seems to have made it over just fine, some players haven’t seen their streaks carry over. The problems were first spotted yesterday afternoon, with the Times noting it was looking into the matter. ...