Enable udev rules for wooting if you haven't done so (you can install wootility-lekker from AUR which contains the rules). You will need to run the app as root if you don't. For compilation, just run cargo build (called automatically when running with cargo run). If you don't have...
初创外设厂商Wooting近期在官网开启了新的众筹项目——Wooting 60HE,顾名思义这是一款采用了60%布局的机械键盘,与传统的机械键盘不一样的是,他采用了带输入检测的机械开关。 所谓能检测输入的机械开关,即能检测到轴芯输入深度的机械开关,检测精度为0.1mm,因此该开关给计算机的触发信号是软件模拟的,Wooting的驱动软件...
so the/*is new, but the/home/is not. On the previous OS I had the udev based on the instructions on wooting.io, but of course I don't know how old was. I received my Wooting 2HE on Nov 2021, and whatever instruction was on your website back in the day, I have had used...
WebUSB with vendor-specific class If you have a special requirement, usbd_app_driver_get_cb() can be used to write your own class driver without modifying the stack. Here is how the RPi team added their reset interface raspberrypi/pico-sdk#197 Host Stack Human Interface Device (HID): Ke...