I ordered a Wooting 80HE Module and case from their website. It was being advertised as in stock and ready to ship. It still is while I'm writing this actually. They immediately confirmed my order by email, but then everything went completely silent. I've been waiting for 2 weeks now...
Wootility Web 网页版: wootility.io 固件升级说明 点击网址 将键盘链接至电脑 Setting → Updates 点击“Get Test Firmware” 加载完成后选择:v2.7.2-alpha.0 点击“Install firmware”升级固件 Wooting UwU 使用教程 常见问题 zFrontier 如何保障商品的质量?
1、可能是wooting服务器正在维护导致的,所有人都不能正常登录,可以多多刷新,等维护好了以后就能正常访问啦。 2、部分浏览器可能不兼容或者拦截,建议大家多换几个浏览器试试,优先推荐chrome等兼容性较强的浏览器,或者使用360浏览器并打开兼容模式。 3、可能是网络不稳定导致的,大家可以尝试换个网络环境,连接手机热点...
I ordered a Wooting 80HE Module and case from their website. It was being advertised as in stock and ready to ship. It still is while I'm writing this actually. They immediately confirmed my order by email, but then everything went completely silent. I've been waiting for 2 weeks now...
不过使用前,需要打开“Get the Latest Web Driver Firmware”更新固件,步骤也很简单,先按Fn2+W切换到Windows模式(很重要!!!),这里可以尝试一下按Win键,看看Windows窗口是否能打开,能打开代表成功切换为Windows模式。然后打开“Ry_Online_Update_v1.2.3.exe”程序进行固件更新,更新完毕后就能使用Web驱动了...
wooting.io is ranked #13895 in US with 2.72M Traffic. Categories: . Learn more about website traffic, market share, and more!
wooting键盘可以说是很多游戏玩家心中的神了,而目前购买wooting键盘的可靠途径就是从wooting官网入手。但是总是有很多人反映,wooting官网打不开,这是什么情况呢?今天小编就帮大家分析分析,快来看看吧。 1、因为wooting官网的服务器不在国内,从国内访问的话可能需要一些加载时间,大家可以耐心等待,或者选择在人少的时候打...
初创外设厂商Wooting近期在官网开启了新的众筹项目——Wooting 60HE,顾名思义这是一款采用了60%布局的机械键盘,与传统的机械键盘不一样的是,他采用了带输入检测的机械开关。 所谓能检测输入的机械开关,即能检测到轴芯输入深度的机械开关,检测精度为0.1mm,因此该开关给计算机的触发信号是软件模拟的,Wooting的驱动软件...
Create a bootstrap web as bee. Contribute to wooting/BeeWeb development by creating an account on GitHub.
Wooting went the crowdfunding route with the 60HE, but hosted the campaign on its own website rather than going the Kickstarter or Indiegogo route and giving a cut to the platform. It was a risk that paid off big time clearly, with the campaign meeting its goal within 12 hours and now...