To you, Wonder Woman is just a comic, but she's my life, she's my love! ——《Professor Marston & the Wonder Women》 美国影片《Professor Marston & the Wonder Women》(马斯顿教授与神奇女侠) 作品类型:传记 主要演员:Luke Evans(饰演Marston教授)、Rebecca Hall(饰演Marston太太Elizabeth)、Bella Hea...
嘻嘻,宝子呀,给你找到资源了哦! 快点击[马斯顿教授与神奇女侠 Professor Marston and the Wonder Women 2017.mp4]打开它吧,保证是想要的。 你是不是还喜欢什么相关的东西,快和我说说~
马斯顿教授与神奇女侠 Professor Marston and the Wonder Women DSIC精神分析法,心理学学者马斯顿是一个两个夫人共一室的传奇的知识分子。首先,他的合法妻子也是个心理学家,所以他们懂得遵从人内心,所以也没有提出任何异议。随着研究的深入,逐渐马斯顿教授建立了「支配-环境-服从」的心理机制,逐渐「神奇女侠」这一...
神奇博士!(影评,Professor Marston & the Wonder Women) My name is Dr. William Moulton Marston.And I am the creator of Wonder Woman.Wonder Woman is a love letter.She comes from a distant place where there is beauty and justice and respect.I write what I see about women I know.Women who ...
Professor Marston and the Wonder WomenPANKRATZ, TRACIMise-en-Scène
《神力女超人的秘密 Professor Marston and the Wonder Women》。IMDb欣賞這部電影之前,X編不清楚神力女超人的原著是誰,一旦了解它的背景之後,便驚覺神力女超人的深度有如諾貝爾獎生產機哈佛大學那麼深,有著跳脫世俗眼界的思想,令人欽佩,他們無懼無畏的作風,讓我們見到什麼是真正的自由!什麼是真正的力量!不知道其他...
But “ProfessorMarston” also couldn’t be more relevant, and not just because it happens to be hitting theaters just four months after the release of the smash-hit blockbuster “Wonder Woman.” It’s a timely affirmation of feminine power—of the ways in which female wisdom and strength can...
Marston, Wonder Woman has drawn criticism... 捆绑 打屁♥股♥ 折磨 同性恋 ...for being full of depictions of bondage... 与其它变♥态♥性行为受到批评 ...spanking, torture, homosexuality, and other sex perversions. 你认为对你作品的这种评价公正吗 Would you say that'...
Olive Becoming Wonder Woman Looking for Mr. Gaines Donn Got Into a Fight Olive Leaves Marston Falls Ill Elizabeth Begs for Forgiveness Love Me for All My Days Professor Marston & The Wonder Women Marston End Credits Wife Not Your Jailer (Bonus Track) ... Marston & The Wonder Women Final Trailer (2017): Check out the new trailer starring Luke Evans, Rebecca Hall, and Bella Heathcote!, 视频播放量 1275、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 1、转