The true story of William Moulton Marston, the polyamorous relationship between his wife and mistress, the creation of his beloved comic book character "Wonder Woman", and the controversy the comic generated in its earlier years.
《神力女超人的秘密 Professor Marston and the Wonder Women》。IMDb欣賞這部電影之前,X編不清楚神力女超人的原著是誰,一旦了解它的背景之後,便驚覺神力女超人的深度有如諾貝爾獎生產機哈佛大學那麼深,有著跳脫世俗眼界的思想,令人欽佩,他們無懼無畏的作風,讓我們見到什麼是真正的自由!什麼是真正的力量!不知道其他...
Back Cast & crew IMDbProAll topics Filming & production Professor Marston and the Wonder Women Midnight Screenings Edit It looks like we don't have any filming & production for this title yet. Be the first to contribute.Learn more Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing ...
类型:剧情 爱情 同性 传记 国家:美国 imdb:tt6133130 影视评分:7.9 简介:神奇女侠创造者、著名心理学家威廉·马斯顿博士是位拥有两位长期伴侣的BDSM爱好者,一位是同为心理学家的妻子,另一位是他从前的学生。三人关系和睦,甚至在他去世后,两位女性还在一块抚养孩子。
马斯顿教授与神奇女侠 Professor Marston and the Wonder Women DSIC精神分析法,心理学学者马斯顿是一个两个夫人共一室的传奇的知识分子。首先,他的合法妻子也是个心理学家,所以他们懂得遵从人内心,所以也没有提出任何异议。随着研究的深入,逐渐马斯顿教授建立了「支配-环境-服从」的心理机制,逐渐「神奇女侠」这一...
“Professor Marston & the Wonder Women”“I’m going to inject my ideas right into the thumping heart of America,” announces esteemed psychologist Dr. William Moulton Marston (Luke Evans,“Beauty and the Beast”) in a new trailer for Angela Robinson’s “Professor Marston & The Wonder Women...
英文片名:Professor Marston and the Wonder Women改編自漫畫「神力女超人」創作起源的真人真事,描述擁有大學教授與心理學家身分的測謊機之父”威廉莫爾頓馬斯頓”,以自身跟妻子及女學生三人間的愛慾關係為靈感,延伸創造出知名漫畫神力女超人的故事。在當時的時空背景下,三人間的多元議題及師生戀不僅被視為違反道德的...
Professor Marston and the Wonder WomenR 類型: 劇情 上映中: Oct 13, 2017 0.0 In a superhero origin tale unlike any other, the film is the incredible true story of what inspired Harvard psychologist Dr. William Moulton Marston to create the iconic Wonder Woman character in the 1940's. While...
Professor Marston & The Wonder Women - Michael Fassbender & Rebecca Ferguson Interview Subscribe and click the notification bell HERE: Subscribe to Filmisnow Movie Trailers: The story of psychologist William Moulton Marston, the polyamorous relationship ...