Murtha, Ellen
Unique risk-enhancing factors for certain diseases like cardiovascular disease, long-term health implications of conditions like COVID-19, and the politics of reproductive health have all brought a global focus to women’s and reproductive health. Thankfully, there’s you. You support each woman’...
Even if saving thousands of dollars a year isn't currently feasible, it's best to start early with what you can salt away, said Winnie Sun, the co-founder and managing director of Irvine, California-based Sun Group Wealth Partners. Sun is also a member of theCNBC Financial Advisor Council...
There’s not enough time to focus on my health Feeling STUCK in a cookie cutter health plan What’s been holding you back from prioritizing your health? tell me more! Become EMPOWERED to make your own health decisions Be PROACTIVE with your present and future health, so you can be there...
RESULTS.. Financial strain is associated with rapid declines in women's health during middle and later life, especially for those women who reported recurrent strain. Changes in household income and household wealth were also associated with women's health but did not eliminate the effects due to...
Financial Health Resources How Can I Help You Today? Here are some of my favorite financial health resources curated by topic.
4.1Anthropometrics Given its importance for the general health of the transgender population, there are multiple studies of bone health, and reviews of these data. To summarise, transgender women often have low baseline (pre-intervention) bone mineral density (BMD), attributed to low levels of phy...
Sport is historically designated by the binary categorization of male and female that conflicts with modern society. Sport’s governing bodies should
This Nature Outlook is editorially independent, produced with financial support from a third party.About this content. Nature Outlook content Sponsor Content Women's health Michelle Grayson Outlook5 Oct 2017Nature Sex matters Research on women's sexual desire and satisfaction lags behind that on men'...
Introducing Circle + Bloom’s financial support program. The program is still very much in the early stages, which is good because that means you can help form what this support program actually becomes. For starters we have set aside a fund to help offset up to 30% OFF the cost of ANY...