Women political participation is a key to fundamental rights that plays a vital role in the general advancement of women. This paper discusses the concept of human rights and the level of women participation in politics in Nigeria. The paper revealed that in spite of the provision of the 1999...
N. (2014). Challenges to women active participation in politics in Nigeria. Sociology and Anthropology, 2(7), 284–290. Google Scholar Umoren, U. E. (1995). The symbolism of the Nigerian women’s war of 1929: An anthropological study of an anti-colonial struggle. African Study ...
Women's Political Participation and Politics of Disempowerment in Abia State of Nigeria The paper examines women's political participation in Abia State of Nigeria with a view to determining the factors that constrain women's equal representation in the political system. Women's political involvement...
Challenges to Women Active Participation in Politics in Nigeria Based on secondary sources of information, this paper, examined the challenges Nigerian women still face in active participation in politics such as discriminatory socio-cultural and religious practices; lack of finance; under-representation ...
Women’s participation in politics is traditionally limited, although women were allowed to run for seats on municipal councils beginning in 2015. Power rests largely in the hands of the royal family, which governs through a process that—despite the political and economic changes since the late…...
global average is 0.64 or high gender inequality. Africa’s female participation is roughly on a par with that of China, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, North America and Oceania, and Western Europe. However, most African women work in low-paid, often subsistence, jobs in the informal ...
Ogunbameru, B. O., Okelue, O. A. & Idrisa, Y. L. (2010). Profile and Challenges to Women's participation in Agricultural Co-operative in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol. 14 (1), June 2010. Pp 1-2....
Women's Political Participation and Politics of Disempowerment in Abia State of Nigeria The paper examines women's political participation in Abia State of Nigeria with a view to determining the factors that constrain women's equal representation in the political system. Women's political involvement...
Women participation in politics in Nigeria is a thing of concern to many because of the continuous low record of female representation after elections. Whereas men occupy large number of seats in elections women are constantly left with ... U Okoronkwochukwu - 《Research on Humanities & Social ...
Nigeria: Alphabet Nigeria Publishers. Google Scholar International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI; 2005). Women: Still the key to food and nutrition security. Washington DC: IFPRI, 4 pp. Karl, M. (1995). Women empowerment: Participation and decision making. London and New Jersey: Zed ...