(Russia), Umm Kulthum (Egypt), Gong Li (China), Miriam Makeba (South Africa), Edgar Morin (France), Fatemeh Motamed-Arya (Iran), Okot p’Bitek (Uganda), Satyajit Ray (India), Sebastião Salgado (Brazil), Wole Soyinka (Nigeria), Ngugi Wa Thiong’o (Kenya), and Malala Yousafzai (...
Nigeriaprisonswomen's healthincarcerated womengenderThe 21st century holds hopes for a better life for women all over the world, especially in Africa. Africa has also seen a rise in women occupying political office with the expectation that this representation will positively impact on policies that...
Parpend, a design studio from Lagos, Nigeria, interviews every year a group of architects to discuss their favorite projects and how they created them. Believing firmly that design should be a fusion of function and expression, statements are compiled in a publication in order to highlight the...
It is suggested that people should vote for women aspirants as their appointment to strategic political offices would further the stability and sustainability of Nigeria's nascent democracy.Taiwo, Oni MathewWorld Affairs
A. (1988). ‘Educational plans and aspirations of university female students in Nigeria.’ Journal of Negro Education 57: 512–523. Google Scholar Allen, D. F. and Nelson, J. M. (1989). ‘Tinto’s model of college withdrawal applied to women in two institutions.’ Journal of Research...
1978-94Politically InfluentialAgathe Habyarimana in Rwanda Very involved in the affairs of state during tenure of her husband, Juvenal Habyarimana. A number of her brothers were place in important positions. 1978-80RegentPrincess Teramade Adetule of Erijiyan-Ekiti (Nigeria) ...
reason for these low numbers is that a large part of the troop contributions for UN peacekeeping come from countries that do not have significant, nor well-trained, numbers of women in their militaries: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, India, and Ghana provided 43% of all peacekeepers in 2003....
In The role of Nigerian women …the role and status of women in Nigeria have continuously evolved. However, the image of a helpless, oppressed, and marginalized group has undermined their proper study, and little recognition has been granted to the various integral functions that Nigerian women ...
China provides 5 mln USD emergency humanitarian aid to Nigeria China on Monday provided Nigeria with 5 million U.S. dollars in emergency humanitarian aid as part of its support for relief efforts by the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) in northeast Nigeria. Interview: Greece, China trans...
Peacebuilding is less likely to succeed without the participation and consideration of women. In the last two decades, peace operations deployed on the African continent under the banner of the United Nations and the African Union have included mandates