for fighting men.” If you look at the history of “fighting men” (more in the police service than in the military service, actually) you find that larger males were given preference over the smaller ones for certain duties. At the time little Audie Murphy became the most highly decorated...
The tragic events at San Bernardino and in Texas taught us about the full extent of domestic violence-related mass shootings and how to combat them.
Perhaps, however, it is time to throw out this distinction between “idea” and “data” as little more than a restatement of the old, outmoded Cartesian mind/body distinction on which intellectual history once thrived. This is a history in which male nineteenth- and twentieth-century geologist...
But whether or not she ends her college career as the all-time scoring leader, or merely number 2 in NCAA history, Clark will have had a remarkable run. More importantly, and without a doubt, she has moved the needle a great distance in terms of the popularity and status of the women...
s violence against women and girls. The UK is no exception, this year, even before the attack in Manchester, at least 37 UK women had been killed by men.Links between men who perpetrateviolence against women and terrorismare now being identified; andmass killers,including school shooters, are...
Given the weekend's Las Vegas attack and other recent mass shootings, you might be a little nervous to go to crowded public places anytime soon.
(she became a godparent to the Bucklands’ most recent child during the meeting). At this and subsequent BAAS meetings she not only attended parties, like the one in 1833 in which she searched with William and Mary Buckland for double stars and shooters at the home of the astronomer ...