What Have we Learned About Mass Shooters?Joshua Keating
“Donald Trump doesn’t make empty promises. I think promises made, promises kept. And that’s why we’re all there to carry out his directive about making America safe and prosperous.” story So essentially the entire town of Washington, D.C. has been stealing. The anomalies are those w...
The numbers do not lie, police in America have killed 12.8 times more citizens than mass shooters in just the last 4 years.
The Smiths' vocalist Morrissey later checked in as well, adding, "Sometimes one of the most radical things you can do is to speak clearly. When someone dies, out come the usual blandishments ... as if their death is there to be used. I'm not prepared to do this with Andy. I just...
Now there have been ground crew distributing printed messages of Vince to known dark brothers who could become of the light and are mostly trapped by the financial situations they are in and need help out. We have had... 分享182赞 boombeach吧 aweieugene An importan...
Deep Conspiracies It's not paranoia if someone is really after you, and Jensen knows better than most that there are some big players out to manipulate global events. This is Deus Ex, so there has to be more going on behind the rising tensions between ordinary people and the cybernetically...
There was a class action lawsuit (I still owned property at the time so I was part of the class) and LAC graciously agreed to return 3 acre-feet to each landowner (enough for household use, but nowhere close to enough to maintain any greenery, gardens, livestock, or crops). Last I ...