LS10 Generate Storage Bins 生成仓位 OLML IMG structure Warehouse Management 仓库管理IMG结构 OMK0 Link to PP interface 连接到生产计划(PP)接口 OMK1 Batch search method for Whse Mgmt 仓库管理批次检索方法 OMK2 Customer exits for strategies 策略的客户退出 OMK7 Batch WM... (will be deleted) 批次仓...
SAP WM course curriculum SAP WM Introduction SAP Warehouse concept and org structure hierarchy Organization Structure in WM and Config Settings SAP Warehouse configuration case study - configure storage type, storage section, bin setup Create WM master data setup ...
WM模块操作指导书 WMModuleOperationInstruction 制作:STSZWMTEAM Page1of137 目录1--概述 1.SAP概述\目录2.SAP功能概述(WM模块)3.SAP基本操作界面4.WM模块操作流程4.1、创建显示仓库管理视图(MM01-03)4.2、库存地点扩充(MMSC)4.3、创建仓位(LS01N)4.4、收货-退货:(MIGO-101\501)4.3.1、收货TO确认(Z...
SAP培训教材 --版本02 斯比泰电子(深圳)有限公司 SHENZHEN SPEEDY-TECH ELECTRONICS CO., LTD WM 模块操作指导书 WM Module Operation Instruction 概述\目录功能概述 (WM模块) 基本操作界面模块操作流程、创建显示仓库管理视图(MM01-03) 、库存地点扩充(MMSC) 、创建仓位(LS01N) 、收货-退货:(MIGO-101\501) ...
斯比泰电子有限公司sap培训教材-wm模块操作指导书(ppt137页).ppt,4.5、公司间:STSN\STHK订单收货( MIGO-101) 4.5.1、销售和采购订单(VL10D) 4.5.2、更改外向交货(VL02N-VL06O) 4.5.3、STSZ订单收货 (MIGO-101) 4.6、退货采购订单: 4.6.1、计划员下达退货订单 (ME21N) 4.
* What is Storage Location in MM org structure. * Customize Storage Locations for your plant. Purchasing Organization * What is a Purchasing Org. in MM. * Customize a Purchasing Org. * Assign P/org to a Company Code. * Assign P/org to a Plant. Warehouse Number * Hierarchy of WM struc...
EC09 Org.Object Copier: Warehouse Number FMFG_WAREHOUSE Warehouse Report Transaction J1A5 MM Warehouse stock report (Arg.) LI20 Clear Inventory Differences WM LLVS WM Menu LN07 Number Ranges for WM Communic.Rec. LP11 WM staging of crate parts LP11W WM Staging for Crate Parts (IAC)...
SAP WM模块里的Picking Area不是一个必须的warehouse organization structure元素,很多SAP项目根本不用它。碰巧的是,笔者现在所在的项目里有定义好几个picking area,这引起了笔者的兴趣与好奇。 1,如下的菜单路径是配置Picking Area的, 2, 在Storage Bin的主数据里,可以为其指派Picking Area. ...
SAP WM LB11 创建TO单据的时候,系统根据目的地Storage Type 100下的库存自动扣减TO里的数量 LB11将TR转成TO单据的时候,我们常常发现,生成的TO单据里的数量并不是等于TR里的数量,而是系统自动根据目的地storage type 100下的库存数量自动扣减之后的数量作为生成的TO的数量。原因何在?
3. Choose Wa ouse Management and any relevant additional views and choose Org.levels. 4. In the organization level window, you must enter a wa ouse number as a minimum. You can also enter the plant and storage type. Enter a storage type only if you need to enter storage type data for...