那在WM中会是什么MOVEMENT TYPE呢? SPRO-> Enterprise Structure-> Assignment-> Logistics Execution-> Assign warehouse number to plant/storage location 可以知道在工厂1000的仓位0088所对应的WAREHOUSE NUMBER = 001 SPRO-> Logistics Execution-> Warehouse Management-> Interfaces-> Inventory Management-> Define...
路径: IMG ⇒ Enterprise Structure ⇒ Assignment 工厂到公司代码 工厂位于公司代码下方一级。 因此,我们需要将工厂分配给公司代码。 请按照以下步骤将工厂分配给公司代码- 将工厂分配给公司代码的路径 IMG ⇒ Enterprise Structure ⇒ Assignment ⇒ Assign Plant to Company Code TCode: OX18 步骤1-在“显...
SPRO →EnterpriseStructure → Definition→ Logistics- General →DefineLocation 3. MaintainStorage Location SPRO →EnterpriseStructure → Definition→ MaterialsManagement → Maintainstorage location 4. CreateWM warehouse SPRO →EnterpriseStructure → Definition→ LogisticsExecution → Define,copy, delete, check...
而在WM的角度上去看,就会存在WAREHOUSE ,BIN等等,最后,连接起来,想办法让STORAGE LOCATION与WAREHOUSE连接上就行了。 好了,正式进入SAP了,看看这两个到底是如何关联与设定的 路径:SPRO->Enterprise Structure->Assignment->Logistics Execution->Assign warehouse number to plant/storage location 从这个设定中,可以发现...
而在wm的角度上去看,就会存在waRehouse,bin等等,最后,连接起来,想办法让stoRagelocation与waRehouse连接上就行了。 好了,正式进入sap了,看看这两个到底是如何关联与设定的 路径:spRo->enterprisestructure->assignment->logisticsexecution->assignwarehousenumbertoplant/storagelocation 从这个设定中,可以发现几个问题 1、不...
4. CreateWM warehouseSPRO →EnterpriseStructure → Definition→ LogisticsExecution → Define,copy, delete, check, Warehouse Number 5. Createshipping point: 0001SPRO →EnterpriseStructure → Definition→ LogisticsExecution → Define,copy, delete, check shipping point 6. Assignwarehouse number to plant/...
配置路径:SPRO->Enterprise Structure->Assignment->Logistics-> General->Assign plant to company code 2.2 根据公司代码的设定,可以得知chartof account(会计科目表) 配置路径:SPRO->Financial Accounting->Company Code->Enter Global Parameters 三、Transaction /event key(价值串)价值串是SAP内部处理关键字, 决定...
配置路径:SPRO->Enterprise Structure->Assignment->Logistics-> General->Assign plant to company code 2.2 根据公司代码的设定,可以得知chartof account(会计科目表) 配置路径:SPRO->Financial Accounting->Company Code->Enter Global Parameters 三、Transaction /event key(价值串) ...
配置路径:SPRO->Enterprise Structure->Assignment->Logistics-> General->Assign plant to company code 2.2根据公司代码的设定,可以得知chartof account(会计科目表) 配置路径:SPRO->Financial Accounting->Company Code->Enter Global Parameters 三、Transaction /event key(价值串) ...
SPRO IMG < enterprise structure > < Definition > give your own plant name Now your created your own plant =>Define Storage Location – Follow below path SPRO IMG < Enterprice Structure > < Definition > Now you created your storage location. ...