步骤2: 使用 WITH (INDEX(IndexName)) 指定索引 根据查到的索引信息,我们可以强制执行特定的索引。示例代码如下: -- 强制使用指定的索引SELECT*FROMYourTableNameWITH(INDEX(YourIndexName))WHEREYourCondition; 1. 2. 3. 4. 注释:替换YourTableName和YourIndexName为目标表名称及索引名称,YourCondition则是查询条件。
由于这边是聚集索引,因此当IndexLevel=0的叶子页就是数据页,存储的是一笔一笔的物理数据。如上图也可以看到,IndexLevel=0的行的PageType等于1,就是代表数据页;而如果是非聚集索引,IndexLevel=0的叶子页,PageType是等于 2,仍然是索引页。 同样,用Sql命令DBCC PAGE看一看 -- DBCC TRACEON(3604,-1) DBCC PAGE...
在提取出来原始的查询SQL,创建索引视图,并在索引视图上创建unique cluster index和合理的nocluster index 通过索引视图改写原始的查询统计SQL语句, 改写后的SQL语句是一个索引视图替代原始的4张表,与另外一个物理表join,发现效率上没有任何改善, 观察改写后的SQL语句的执行计划,发现跟原始SQL一样,并没有走索引视图上...
数据库版本: SQL SERVER 2005 CREATETABLETEST ( IDINT, NameVARCHAR(12) ); CREATENONCLUSTEREDINDEX"[IDX_NAME]"ONTEST(Name); 因为YourSQLDba生成重组索引语句时,都会在索引名称上加上[].如果用下面SQL语句进行索引重组,就会遇到这个错误 ALTER INDEX [[IDX_NAME]] ON [dbo].[TEST] Reorganize With (LOB...
Getting started with SQL Server Index 'xp_cmdshell' does not exist?? "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" and "Rule 'Setup administrator' failed" when installing SQL server 2016 "Invalid Object Name dbo." "is not a recognized built-in function name" Problem [098] ...
Create the unique clustered index on the view. The OBJECTPROPERTY function can be used to check the value of ANSI_NULLS and QUOTED_IDENTIFIER on an existing table or view. Using SET Options to Obtain Consistent Results Evaluating the same expression can produce different results in SQL Server 20...
Index Insight Scripts A collection of scripts to use with indexes in SQL Server Find Index Fragmentation As records are inserted, updated, and deleted, your tables and indexes become fragmented. This query will provide a list of indexes, fragmentation percentage, and record counts for each table ...
User must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role or the db_ddladmin and db_owner fixed database roles.Using SQL Server Management Studio to create an index with nonkey columnsIn Object Explorer, select the plus sign to expand the database that contains the table on which you want ...
"Create index WITH (ONLINE = ON)"是一种在SQL Server数据库中创建索引的语法。该语法中的"WITH (ONLINE = ON)"选项表示在创建索引的同时允许在线操作,即允许其他用户继续对表进行读写操作,而不会阻塞它们。 创建索引是提高数据库查询性能的重要手段之一。索引可以加快查询速度,减少数据库的IO操作。使用"WITH ...
With SQL Server 2000, the functionality of SQL Server views was expanded to provide system performance benefits. It is possible to create a unique clustered index on a view, as well as nonclustered indexes, to improve data access performance on the most complex queries by precomputing and mater...