Reports view in Performance Logs and Alerts tool, 591–94alias email address variable, 384Alias Identity parameter specification, 542All Contacts address book, 387All Groups address book, 387All Rooms address book, 387All Users address book, 387...
(从 SqlSmoObject 继承。) SecondaryXmlIndexType Gets or sets the secondary XML index type. SortInTempdb Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the index is sorted using the tempdb database for intermediate storage of data. SpaceUsed Gets or sets the disk space used to ...
After any one of these events occur and SQL Server reloads the in-memory structures, there is no record that a dictionary D1 and its internal ID existed. This is because dictionary D1 was not retained in the system tables when the Transact-...
SpaceUsed Gets or sets the disk space used to store the index data in kilobytes. SpatialIndexType Gets or sets the Spatial Index Type for a column. State Gets the state of the referenced object. (从 SmoObjectBase 继承。) Urn 获取唯一标识对象的统一资源名称 (URN) 地址值。 (从 SqlSmoObject...
For columnstore indexes in SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2016 (13.x)) and Azure SQL Database, REORGANIZE performs the following extra defragmentation optimizations online:Physically removes rows from a rowgroup when 10% or more of the rows have been logically deleted. The deleted bytes ...
“Partitioned Tables and Indexes in SQL Server 2005", or “Partitioned Table and Index Strategies Using SQL Server 2008" In the following, I’d like to dig a little bit deeper into...
explain分析sql语句字段的解释和含义 - SQL Server(mssql)数据库栏目 - 红黑联盟 通过explain 我们可以知道以下信息:表的读取顺序,数据读取操作的类型,哪些索引可以使用,哪些索引实际使用了,表之间的引用,每张表有多少行被优化器查询等信息。 explain仅用于看 查询的 index使用情况。
默认设置为 OFF,但“超大规模 Azure SQL 数据库”除外。 对于“超大规模”中的所有索引生成操作,无论指定什么选项,SORT_IN_TEMPDB 始终为 ON,除非使用可恢复索引重新生成。ON 在tempdb 中存储用于生成索引的中间排序结果。 如果 tempdb 与用户数据库不在同一组磁盘上,就可缩短创建索引所需的时间。 但是,这会增加...
-IN_ROW_DATA -LOB_DATA -ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA 配置LOB_DATA單位包含儲存在 text、ntext、image、varchar(max)、nvarchar(max)、varbinary(max)和xml類型的數據行中。 如需更多資訊,請見資料類型。 配置ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA單位包含儲存在varchar(n)、nvarchar(n)、varbinary(n)和sql_variant數據行中的數據,這些數據...
SQL SERVER使用都可没这么好了。因此,我在SQL SERVER 2008中仿写了一个自定义函数 f_substring_index() 。 详细代码如下: /* Returns the substring from string str before count occurrences of the delimiter delim. If count is positive, everything to the left of the ...