The IP address of the client computer is The TCP port number is 1161. The IP address is The TCP port number is 80. Sorry, I don't create my own trace. 3. TCP Basics Question & Answer The sequence number of the TCP SYN segment is 0. Flags in the ...
How long is this IP datagram More fragment:Set表示数据报被分段,Fragment Offset:0表示其没有偏移,是第一个分段,这个数据报的长度为 Print out the second fragment of the fragmented IP datagram. What information in the IP header indicates that this is not the first datagram fragment? Are the more ...
Note: Wireshark has a nice feature that allows you to plot the RTT for each of the TCP segments sent. Select a TCP segment in the “listing of captured packets” window that is being sent from the client to the server. Then select: Statistics->TCP Stream Graph->Roun...
wireshark练习及答案lab-tcp.docx,Lab Exercise – TCPObjectiveTo see the details of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). TCP is the main transport layer protocol used in the Internet. The trace file is here:
Wireshark是一款开源的网络封包分析软件,也被称为“小鲨鱼”。它功能强大,可以截取各种网络封包并显示其详细信息。无论是初学者还是专业网络工程师,都可以通过Wireshark深入了解网络协议的工作原理,以及网络数据包的传输过程。 三、Wireshark界面介绍 当我们打开Wireshark时,首先看到的是其简洁明了的界面。界面主要由以下...
Solution: The computation of TCP throughput largely depends on the selection of averaging time period. As a common throughput computation, in this question, we select the average time period as the whole connection time. Then, the average throughput for this TCP connection is computed as the rati...
icmp.type == 0 or icmp.type == 8 (ftp and frame contains "USER") or telnet (tcp.port !=80) && (!tcp.port == 80) Can you find the answers to these questions using display filters? What is the username/password for
Kurose, F., and Ross, K., (2007), Wireshark Lab: Getting Started, retrieved 09 Aug, 2012 from http:// www. fJ.F.Kurose, K.W. Ross."Wireshark Lab: TCP" Version 2.0. 2007....
Summary The RTP packets are wrongly dissected when dissecting rfc4571(RTP over TCP) packets. There is a large tvb with...