TCP retransmission errors in wireshark Hello, Wireshark is shwoing tcp retransmissions and fast retransmissons errors on captured packets betwwn two servers. What is that mean..??? Where is possible cause for this error..??? Thanks Dheeraj Enterprise Certifications Community Like Answer Share ...
植入到音频流中去.Wireshark 能够通过 TCP/IP 连接从你的 PC 上抓取数据.你可以使用 Winamp 或其 他播放器,建立至 SHOUTcast 服务器的连接,然后抓 取数据流.使用 Wireshark 能够获得的其他重要信息还 包括因特网电台的 IP 地址和端口号.这是建立连接所需 要的.Wireshark 可从 ...
The wireshark output shows error message like "[TCP out-of-order] 50880 > dawn [PSH, ACK] Seq=529 Ack=613 win 65535 Len 742" Can anybody of you tell me the reasons of getting this error? I have checked the interface statistics, and all is well on the interface outputs, BCLNDA62-...
One of the most useful tcpdump features allows capturing incoming and outgoing packets into a file and then playing this file back. By the way, you can play this file not only with tcpdump, but also with WireShark (former Ethereal), the graphical packet analyzer. You can do this with -...