Lab Exercise – UDP Objective To look at the details of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). UDP is a transport protocol used throughout the Internet as an alternative to TCP when reliability is not required. It is covered in §6.4 of your text.Review that section before doing this lab. The tra...
3.打开wireshark,对应上述网址设置过滤器为“tcp and host”,开始捕获 2. Inspect the Trace 检查捕获 选取一个协议栏显示为TCP的较长的数据包,是服务器传递给我的计算机进行下载的,而不是初始的 “HTTP GET” 或者是结束时的 “HTTP”(虽然这些数据包的协议栏显示的是TCP)。 ·source port 源...
Lab3WiresharkLab:TCP STEPS •Startupyourwebbrowser.Gothe anASCIIcopyofAliceinWonderland.Storethisfilesomewhereonyourcomputer. •Nextgoto •UsetheBrowsebuttoninthisform...
Solution: The computation of TCP throughput largely depends on the selection of averaging time period. As a common throughput computation, in this question, we select the average time period as the whole connection time. Then, the average throughput for this TCP connection is computed as the rati...
Lab 3 STEPS • Start up your web browser. Go the and retrieve an ASCII copy of Alice in Wonderland. Store this file somewhere on your computer. • Next go to
在发送区域输入"hetinlabtcp"点击发送,会持续的更新TCP数据 在点击"断开连接"后,会出现TCP的四次断开。全部的过程如下 Wireshark还为我们提供了着色和指定的帧信息保存功能。左键点击某一帧,右键选择"Colorize Conversation",横向选择"TCP",横向再选择自己喜欢的颜色 ...
在发送区域输入"hetinlabtcp"点击发送,会持续的更新TCP数据。 在点击"断开连接"后,会出现TCP的四次断开。全部的过程截图,如下: 如上图,如果还是觉得不方便分析协议的话,Wireshark还为我们提供了着色和指定的帧信息保存功能。左键点击某一帧,右键选择"Colorize Conversation",横向选择"TCP",横向再选择自己喜欢的颜色...
通过上面的通讯过程分析,加深我们对tcp协议通讯过程的了解,同时也加强Wireshark对数据包支持的理解。 TCP通过如下机制保证可靠性: 1.确认和重传:接收方收到报文就会确认,发送方发送一段时间后没有收到确认就重传。 2.数据校验。 3.数据合理分片和排序:
wireshark练习及答案lab-tcp.docx,Lab Exercise – TCPObjectiveTo see the details of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). TCP is the main transport layer protocol used in the Internet. The trace file is here:
TCP滑动窗口数据包分析 下面我们通过分析几个实际的例子来看一下TCP的滑动窗口机制。打开实验文件Lab9-2.pcap: 这里我们主要关注的是Window Size的值,这个值可以通过查看数据包的Info列得出。可以发现,在前三个数据包中,这个值是在不断地缩小的。也就是从第一个数据包的8760减小到5840,再减小到2920,之后变成了0...