* Please note in particular that if the name,pattern or design of the trademark to be applied for registration is identical or similar to an earlier trademark registered or applied for, this trademark could not be registered.第二步:提交国际商标申请 Step 2: Filing an International Trademark Appl...
*Tip:You can estimate the cost of an international trademark registration using the Fee Calculator under eMadrid on WIPO’s website.中国申请人可以用人民币向中国国家知识产权局缴纳注册费。该局随后会将注册费以瑞士法郎转帐给产权组织。Applicants in China can pay registration fees in Renminbi (CNY) to...
(and/or by means of dotted or broken lines or coloring in the reproduction). It can furthermore disclose the operation or possible use of the industrial design as long as this description is not technical. If the description exceeds 100 words, an additional fee of 2 Swiss francs per word ...