You can quickly estimate the cost of trademark registration by using the fee calculator provided by eMadrid on the WIPO website.想要进一步了解马德里体系?对该体系如何运作有疑问?您可以参加我们为您量身定制的独家中文互动网络研讨会!Want to learn more about the Madrid System? Have questions about how...
*Tip:You can estimate the cost of an international trademark registration using the Fee Calculator under eMadrid on WIPO’s website.中国申请人可以用人民币向中国国家知识产权局缴纳注册费。该局随后会将注册费以瑞士法郎转帐给产权组织。Applicants in China can pay registration fees in Renminbi (CNY) to...