wip.wip_entities 离散任务表 (包括任务名称,可用wip_entity_id与wip_discrete_jobs 离散任务明细表的WIP_ENTITY_ID相连接) 其他:来源类型 - Job or Schedule MMT.TRANSACTION_SOURCE_TYPE_ID 事务处理类型 - WIP Completion MMT.TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID SQL: selectmmt.organization_id, mmt.transaction_id, mmt.tra...
Under average costing, this account is debited at the average cost in effect at the time of the issue transaction. Note: When a job is completed and material overhead is earned, this account is not charged /credited. Instead, the material overhead account for the completion subinventory is...
5. In the Accounts alternative region, select the general ledger accounts each required Valuation and Variance account. See: Valuation and Variance Accounts.6. In the Average Costing region, select a Default Completion Cost Source. The default completion cost source defined in the WIP Parameters ...
Oracle Work in Process - Version 12.0.0 and later: Wip Mass Load In Update Option Is Not Scheduling The Discrete Job when ALLOW_EXPLOSION = Y
what parameters values to be passed to interface so that it will not update any discrete job start & completion dates? Please help ASAP as we are facing this issue in prodcution. Regards, Ragi
3. This request finished with an error but did not produce a completion message. The processing began on DD-MMM-YYYY and ended on DD-MMM-YYYY You may find more information on the cause of the error in the request log or the concurrent manager log....
what parameters values to be passed to interface so that it will not update any discrete job start & completion dates? Please help ASAP as we are facing this issue in prodcution. Regards, Ragi
This separation lets you enter work order transactions that define the completion of each step, from material consumption to assembly and completion. To know where materials are in the manufacturing process, use WIP to track your materials and record the number of: ...
NVL(wob.actual_completion_date,wob.planned_completion_date) last_op_completion_date, outputs.compl_subinventory_code subinventory_code, NULL ORDER_STATUS FROM WIE_WORK_ORDERS_V wob, WIE_WO_OPERATION_OUTPUTS outputs, WIE_WO_OPERATIONS_B WOOP, MSC_PLANNED_EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS_V esi WHERE wob.work_...