OracleR12_WIP_功能介绍_V2.ppt,* 工艺路线:即生产制造时要经过哪些工序(工段),依次要用到哪些资源设备,也就是生产加工流程 工艺路线要素:工序、部门、资源、班次 资源:资源是广义的概念,可以是生产过程中用到的除了材料以外的任何东西,例如生产过程中用到的机器设
the entity type, and the assembly being built. Oracle Work in Process uses this information to control production activities and to ensure that entities with duplicate names are not created.
the entity type, and the assembly being built. Oracle Work in Process uses this information to control production activities and to ensure that entities with duplicate names are not created.
the entity type, and the assembly being built. Oracle Work in Process uses this information to control production activities and to ensure that entities with duplicate names are not created.
Getting Error "Invalid Argument to LOCATOR.CONTROL: ORG_LOCATOR_CONTROL='' in Material Requirements Form (文档 ID 1072379.1) LOCATOR.CONTROL 的变元无效:ORG_LOCATOR_CONTROL='' --- FRM-40735: POST-QUERY 触发器提出了不能处理的异常状况 ORA-20002。 处理步骤: 1、找到工单...
Oracle EBS R12 WIP Component Issue&Return Process 1.定义BOM BOM(物料清单)是WIP的基础,BOM定义了产品的组成结构图,定义了生产特定物料所需的零件及数量。每一个零件也可能有他们的BOM结构,由此产生多层的产品结构树。 比如:一台电脑 = 1 CPU + 1 内存 + 1 硬盘 + 1 显示器 + 1 个鼠标 + 1个键盘 ...