Trumpet Winsock Version 1.0 The Trumpet Winsock is a Windows Sockets 1.1 compatible TCP/IP stack which provides a standard networking layer for many Windows(tm) networking applications to use, and has itself been a major vehicle in achieving widespread use of Windows Sockets 1.1. File Size:118 K...
Version of Windows Sockets. ecHow WSAECOMPARATORenumeration, used in the comparison. Requirements RequirementValue Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only] Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
①软件名称:WFTPD(Winsock FTP Demo) 32-bit (x86) version ②软件功能:FTP服务器端软件 ③软件类型:共享软件(传输类限制) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 安全问题一直是制约无线局域网技术推广的关键因素之一,越来越多的决策者认为安全问题是影响他们做出无线局域网部署决定的首要因素。本设计对无线局域网各种安全...
WSAVERSION 结构在 Windows 套接字中提供版本比较。语法C++ 复制 typedef struct _WSAVersion { DWORD dwVersion; WSAECOMPARATOR ecHow; } WSAVERSION, *PWSAVERSION, *LPWSAVERSION; 成员dwVersionWindows 套接字的版本。ecHowWSAECOMPARATOR 枚举,用于比较。要求...