SERVER_CONTEXT* serverContext = NULL; SOCKET tcpAcceptSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; u_long nonBlocking = 1; SOCKET currentSocket; SOCK_NOTIFY_REGISTRATION registration = {}; OVERLAPPED_ENTRY notification; ULONG notificationCount; UINT32 events; CHAR dataBuffer[512]; if (WSAStartup(WINSOCK_VERSION, &wsaD...
Winsock is divided into layers with flexible, installable providers that do the majority of the work. This alleviates the need to replace winsock.dll with a custom version when a new protocol or modifier is needed. The following table shows the transport service providers for Winsock 2.2:...
Winsock is divided into layers with flexible, installable providers that do the majority of the work. This alleviates the need to replace winsock.dll with a custom version when a new protocol or modifier is needed. The following table shows the transport service providers for Winsock 2.2:...
wVersionRequested=MAKEWORD(2,0)或者直接赋值:wVersionRequested=2LPWSADATA为初始化Socket后加载的版本的信息,定义如下: typedef struct WSAData{WORDwVersion;WORDwHighVersion;char szDescription[WSADESCRIPTION_LEN+1];char szSystemStatus[WSASYS_STATUS_LEN+1];unsigned short iMaxSockets;unsigned short iMaxUdpDg;ch...
Winsock is divided into layers with flexible, installable providers that do the majority of the work. This alleviates the need to replace the winsock.dll with a custom version when a new protocol or modifier is needed. The following table shows the transport service providers for Winsock 2.2:...
WSASetServiceW 函数 WSASocketA 函数 WSASocketW 函数 WSAStartup 函数 WSAStringToAddressA 函数 WSAStringToAddressW 函数 WSAUnhookBlockingHook 函数 WSAVERSION 结构 WSAWaitForMultipleEvents 函数 Ws2atm.h Ws2def.h Ws2ipdef.h Ws2spi.h Ws2tcpip.h Wsipv6ok.h Wsnwlink.h Wsrm.h Wtypesbase.h 下载PDF Learn...
(Unicode) WSAVERSION WSAVERSION 結構會在 Windows Sockets 中提供版本比較。列舉展開資料表 WSAECOMPARATOR Windows Sockets WSAECOMPARATOR 列舉類型用於 Windows Sockets 2 中的版本比較語意。意見反應 此頁面對您有幫助嗎? Yes No 提供產品意見反應 | 在Microsoft Q&A 上取得說明 ...
=2){printf("MyServer <Port>\n");return 0;}nPort = (unsigned short)atol(argv[1]);nErr = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0),&wsaData);assert(nErr==0);assert(wsaData.wVersion == MAKEWORD(2,0));myListener = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP);assert(myListener!=INVALID_SOCKET...
有时,您必须向接收器发送紧急带外(OOB)数据。 接收器是任何用户或接收数据的任何应用程序。 你希望此 OOB 数据被视为比你可能发送的任何普通数据更高优先级的数据。 如果要发送的 OOB 数据是一个字节,则可以使用 select 函数查找 OOB 数据。 可以使用 " 接收 " 功能读取数据。但是,在传输控制协议(TCP)中...
DWORD dwServiceFlags;//指定此协议在Winsock目录中的标识方式GUID ProviderId;//服务提供者厂商安排的GUIDDWORD dwCatalogEntryId;//WS2_32.DLL为每个WSAPROTOCOL_INFO安排唯一的标识符WSAPROTOCOLCHAIN ProtocolChain;//与此协议相关的WSAPROTOCOLCHAIN结构,说明了此协议在分层协议中所处的位置intiVersion;//协议版本标识...