config文件中的<system.Net>元素中包含有指定.net framework如何连接网络的配置信息. 其中的<defaultProxy>元素包含的就是HTTP代理服务器的配置. 这个元素有三个子元素: bypasslist- 提供了一个正则表达式的集合, 用于描述不适用代理的站点. module- 为应用程序添加一个新的proxy module proxy- 指定proxy服务器 举例...
HTTPREQUEST_PROXYSETTING_PROXY 指定HTTPREQUEST_PROXYSETTING_PROXY 时, varProxyServer 应设置为代理服务器字符串, varBypassList 应设置为域绕过列表字符串。 此代理配置仅适用于 WinHttpRequest 对象的当前实例。 ProxyServer [in, optional] 当ProxySetting 等于HTTPREQUEST_PROXYSETTING_PROXY 时,设置为代理服务...
1. i simply used netsh winhttp set proxy proxy-server="value1" bypass-list="value2" it sets the proxy for winhttp but when the next command of invoke-webrequest comes, it uses internet explorer proxy and ignores my winhttp proxy. 2. I setup the registry keys for HKC...
WINHTTP_OPTION_PROXY 设置或检索包含现有会话句柄或请求句柄上的代理数据的WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO结构。 检索代理数据时,应用程序必须使用GlobalFree函数释放此结构中包含的lpszProxy和lpszProxyBypass字符串, (它们是否为非NULL) 。 应用程序可以通过传递NULL句柄 (默认代理) 查询全局代理数据。
WINPR_API DWORD WinHttpIsHostInProxyBypassList (const WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO *pProxyInfo, PCWSTR pwszHost, INTERNET_SCHEME tScheme, INTERNET_PORT nPort, BOOL *pfIsInBypassList) WINPR_API WINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK WinHttpSetStatusCallback (HINTERNET hInternet, WINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK lpfnInternetCallbac...
WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO结构包含会话或默认代理配置。语法C++ 复制 typedef struct _WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO { DWORD dwAccessType; LPWSTR lpszProxy; LPWSTR lpszProxyBypass; } WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO, *LPWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO, *PWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO; 成员dwAccessType...
The proxy address and port for HTTPS traffic (for example, L"").cProxyBypassesType: DWORDThe number of entries in the proxy bypass list (rgpcwszProxyBypasses).rgpcwszProxyBypassesType: PCWSTR*An array of strings containing each site in the proxy bypass list. (for ...
hSession = WinHttpOpen( L"WinHTTP Example/1.0", WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT_PROXY, WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_NAME, WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_BYPASS, 0); // Specify an HTTP server. if (hSession) hConnect = WinHttpConnect( hSession, L"", INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT, 0); // Create...
会话对象会话对象使用WinHttpOpen函数来进行创建。函数原形如下: HINTERNET WinHttpOpen( __in LPCWSTR pwszUserAgent, __in DWORD dwAccessType, __in LPCWSTR pwszProxyName, __in LPCWSTR pwszProxyBypass __in DWORD dwFlags ); 第一个参数指向一个应用程序自身名称及版本的字符串,使用在HTTP协议的User Agent...
The proxy address and port for HTTPS traffic (for example, L""). cProxyBypasses Type:DWORD The number of entries in the proxy bypass list (rgpcwszProxyBypasses). rgpcwszProxyBypasses Type:PCWSTR* An array of strings containing each site in the proxy bypass list. (...