适用于:Windows Server(所有受支持的版本) bitsadmin /getproxybypasslist命令可检索指定作业的代理绕过列表。 语法 bitsadmin /getproxybypasslist <job> 参数 参数说明 作业(job)该作业的显示名称或 GUID。 注解 绕过列表包含不会通过代理路由的主机名和/或 IP 地址。 该列表可以包含<local>以引用同一 LAN 上的所...
我读到chrome将忽略来自本地主机的那些请求的代理设置,并且需要添加--proxy-bypass-list=<-loopback>来禁用/绕过该规则。它一直工作到今天。 我的配置:系统: MacOs Catalina,10.15.3浏览器: Chrome版本80.0.3987.149 启动chrome的参数是--ignore-certificate-errors,--proxy-bypass-list="<-loopback>",--proxy-s...
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Using the Proxy Bypass List Some network requests need to bypass the proxy. The most common reason to bypass the proxy is for local (intranet) addresses. Generally, these addresses do not contain periods in them. By selecting theBypass proxy server for local (intranet) addressescheck box, all...
Free download bypass maxis proxy server Files at Software Informer. BOS Business Continuity System allow computer users the benefit of immediate...
BypassList String[] 規則運算式字串的陣列,其中包含要略過的伺服器 URI。 範例 下列程式代碼範例示範如何呼叫這個建構函式。 C# 複製 public static WebProxy CreateProxyWithBypassList(bool bypassLocal) { // Do not use the proxy server for Contoso.com URIs. string[] bypassList = new string[]{";...
BypassProxyOnLocal和BypassList屬性會控制 方法的IsBypassed傳回值。 IsBypassed在下列任一情況下會true傳回 : 如果BypassProxyOnLocal為true,且host為本機 URI。 本機要求是由 URI 中缺少句點 (.) 來識別,如中http://webserver/所示。 如果host符合中的BypassList正則表達式。
HRESULT put_BypassList( [in] IStringCollection *value ); HRESULT get_BypassList( [out] IStringCollection **retval ); Property value An IStringCollection interface that contains the addresses that do not use a proxy server. Error codes Returns S_OK if successful. Otherwise, returns a COM ...
Open Configure Runtime arguments and set "proxy-bypass-list": "*.exp-tas.com,*.visualstudio.com" Restart the application with same proxy server Confirm that requests to these hosts are not seen in the intercepted logs anymore bricefriha pushed a commit to bricefriha/vscode that referenced th...
Proxy類別的物件.Proxy=new WebProxy(http://Proxy Server的IPORT, BypassOnLocal, BypassList, new NetworkCredential("登入Proxy Server的帳號", "登入Proxy Server的密碼")); 結果=Proxy類別的物件.XML Web Service提供的功能(參數); tihs 已標示為解答 小朱MVP, Moderator 2009年4月4日 上午 10:43 2007...