When running winget upgrade --all I get something like 10 package(s) have version numbers that cannot be determined. Use --include-unknown to see all results. But running winget upgrade --all --include-unknown doesn't list anything more... Steps to reproduce Run winget upgrade --all follo...
The third command,winget upgrade --all --include-unknown, tells WinGet to update all items even if the version column is blank. In general, this command is more useful because it involves less additional work. Thus, I use it as my go-to for allwinget upgradecommands, just to make su...
Winget upgrade -all –include-unknown does “update all apps” for Windows 10 and 11. (Image credit: Tom's Hardware) The only applications that WinGet can’t update are those for which developers do not provide package manifests to some repository. Occasionally, I’ll also run PatchMyPC ...
winget upgrade --allwill upgrade packages with "known" versions. winget upgrade --all --include-unknownwill upgrade both sets of packages. When looking at the output, the "Version" column will display the version reported in the registry, or the packageVersion from the manifest if there is ...
示例:使用winget upgrade --help: C:\Users\???>winget upgrade --help Windows 程序包管理器 v1.4.10173 版权所有 (C) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。 升级通过搜索已安装的包列表或直接从清单中找到的所选包。默认情况下,查询必须以不区分大小写方式匹配包的 ID、名称或名字对象。可通过传递相应的选...
--id id Limit the upgrade to the ID of the application. --include-unknown Upgrade packages even if their current version cannot be determined. -l, --location Location to upgrade to (if supported). -m, --manifest path_to_the_manifest (YAML) file. Use the manifest to run the upgrade ...
winget upgrade命令及其参数、选项的分类和表格化展示,具有更精确的颗粒度,便于深入理解每个功能的用途。通过细化每个分类名称和子类,我们可以清晰地看到每个命令和选项所对应的功能。 winget upgrade命令及其参数、选项(更精细分类) 进一步解释 基本命令 winget upgrade是用来更新所有已安装程序包的基础命令,winget update是...
Allow --include-unknown with install by @Trenly inhttps://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/pull/3752 Broadcast WM_SETTINGCHANGE on change of path by @Trenly inhttps://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/pull/3751 Addresumecommand and support saving the argument state. by @ryfu-msft inhttps://...
Update: Microsoft released a new look and feel ofWindows Package Managerintegrationwith Intune. You can now use the Winget tool todiscover,install,upgrade,remove, andconfigure applicationson Windows 11 or Windows 10 PCs. Winget tool is the client interface tool for the Windows Package Manager serv...
Mitigate crash that can occur when installed version is null #2278 Searching for dotnet package #2218 Allow winget to install MS Store packages without account just like the MS Store #1585 --include-unknown not functioning as expected #1939 Includes a fix for an App Installer bug that was cau...