No available upgrade found. No newer package versions are available from the configured sources. Environment Windows Package Manager v1.7.10861 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Windows: Windows.Desktop v10.0.22631.3447 System Architecture: X64 Package: Microsoft.DesktopApp...
available. 1 package(s) have version numbers that cannot be determined. Use --include-unknown to see all results. PS C:\Users\yang> winget install Microsoft.VCRedist.2013.x64 Found an existing package already installed. Trying to upgrade the installed package... No available upgrade found. ...
Facing an issue with winget: Hello everyone, my computer is having problems with installation commands using wingetC:\Users\Hoan Le>winget install notepad+++ Failed in attempting to update the source: winget No package found matching input criteria. C:\Users\Hoan Le>winget update Failed ...
There is no time-based removal of logs and these settings are not configurable. If you have reached the 100 file log capacity, just move any WinGet logs that you wish to preserve into a different directory.Use the command winget --info to find the directory path to your WinGet log files...
The first string removes the winget package from the PC. The second resets the winget environment, which is why the user must agree to Terms again before winget will run. After that it shows no upgrades are available (“No installed package found matching input criteria” with no accompanying...
Running winget upgrade again after performing all updates shows nothing left to do. In Figure 5, the message “No installed package found matching input criteria” translates into “Nothing to upgrade.” Figure 5: “No installed package found matching input criteria” means “Nothing to upgrade...
Winget upgrade shows packages with available updates. (Image credit: Tom's Hardware) The WinGet command I use most frequently is (nearly daily, on most of my PCs): Winget upgrade --all --include-unknown This tells WinGet to install all packages for which a higher-numbered version is avai...
wingetis anopen-sourceWindowspackage managerthat allows users to install, upgrade, remove, and configureapplications. Thewinget upgradecommand upgrades the user-specified applications to the latest version available in therepository. In this tutorial, you will learn how to update Windows packages using...
winget upgradepackage-name And for uninstalling: winget uninstall package-name Conclusion Although Winget is not available on Windows servers out of the box, maybe in the future Microsoft will add it. Nevertheless, Winget is a quite powerful addition to any Windows server environment to download and...
$upgradeResult = winget upgrade | Out-String if (!($upgradeResult -match "No installed package found matching input criteria.")) { Write-Host "There is something to update" -ForegroundColor Green $lines = $upgradeResult.Split([Environment]::NewLine) # Find the line that starts with Name,...