Brief description of your issue Feedback Hub link: When running winget upgrade --all, the winget.exe process crashes (stops working). Diagnostic data should be attached to the feedback hub link, if not I am happy t...
winget upgrade --all stop working in Windows 10 Software and Apps winget upgrade --all stop working: Hi,I used winget upgrade --all to update all the outdated app for long time, and it was super usefulIt is a few weeks that doing winget upgrade --all has the same output as winget...
winget upgrade --all stop working in Windows 10 Installation and Upgrade winget upgrade --all stop working: Hi,I used winget upgrade --all to update all the outdated app for long time, and it was super usefulIt is a few weeks that doing winget upgrade --all has the same output as ...
Miniconda3 py312_24.5.0-0 (Python 3.12.4 64-bit) Anaconda.Miniconda3 py312_24.5.0-0 py312_24.7.1-0 winget Trying to upgrade conda to new version (currentlypy312_24.7.1-0) winget upgrade--id anaconda.miniconda3 The package cannot be upgraded using winget. Please use the method provided...
Another special qualifier, namely--include-pinned, lets you override this restriction. But because Discord is the only item in my stable of apps that uses this restriction, it’s not worth adding to my go-to command string. When the upgrade command fails or falls short ...
to and if I do I'll happily use the GitHub winget, but unless I'm doing something wrong, it seems none of the versions of winget I've tested are able to upgrade my already installed MSStore apps, and others it can't seem to install at all, no matter what package name/ID I try...
winget upgrade--idGit.Git winget upgrade--nameGit Or you can easily upgrade every application using: winget upgrade--all More commandsPermalink WinGet.runis handy for searching the app catalog, but you can also search right from the command line if you prefer usingwinget search <app name> ...
Blocking: The package is blocked fromwinget upgrade--allorwinget upgrade<WinGetpackage>, you will have to unblock the package to let WinGet perform an upgrade. Pinning: The package is excluded fromwinget upgrade--allbut allowswinget upgrade<WinGetpackage>, a new argument “–include-pinned”...
throw the error “Failed in attempting to update the source: winget” as you can see in the lead-in screencap. What made it interesting was that it happens on some, but not all, of my Windows PCs. Now, let me explain why this post says that the “Winget upgrade may require cleanup....
Winget upgrade -all –include-unknown does “update all apps” for Windows 10 and 11. (Image credit: Tom's Hardware) The only applications that WinGet can’t update are those for which developers do not provide package manifests to some repository. Occasionally, I’ll also run PatchMyPC ...