import-module -name microsoft.winget.commandnotfound 命令详解 1. 命令用途 import-module -name microsoft.winget.commandnotfound 命令用于在 PowerShell 环境中导入 Microsoft.WinGet.CommandNotFound 模块。这个模块是一个反馈提供者插件,利用 Windows 包管理器(WinGet)来提供当原生命令无法找到时安装包的建议。它利...
To install the WinGet CommandNotFound module, enter the following in PowerShell 7.4+: Copy Install-PSResource -Name Microsoft.WinGet.CommandNotFound Setup To load this module whenever a PowerShell session loads, you will need to add the following to your PowerShell profile: Copy Import-ModuleMic...
Microsoft.WinGet.CommandNotFound The Microsoft.WinGet.CommandNotFound module is a feedback provider plugin for PowerShell. This feedback provider leverages the Windows Package Manager to provide suggestions for packages to install when a native command cannot be found. The command-line predictor feature...
WinGet Command Not Found is a PowerShell 7 module to help you install missing packages. With this module, you will be recommended relevant WinGet packages whenever an unrecognized command is entered. - winget-command-not-found/build.ps1 at main · denel
The issue to get Winget recognized behind system context will be solved with this command: Add-AppxPackage -RegisterByFamilyName -MainPackage Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe But the major issue in Winget is, that it does not use winget resource after OS installation or window...
It won't install in Uniget. On my desktop PC I got it updated in PowerShell with the command "Install-Module -Name Microsoft.WinGet.Client".On my other machine, it's not that simple. I get the output from... Use winget to download apps but not install? in Windows 10 Software and...
The WinGet command line tool enables users to discover, install, upgrade, remove and configure applications on Windows 10 and Windows 11 computers. This tool is the client interface to the Windows Package Manager service. Add the module
Inform user if a module requires elevation by @msftrubengu in Add missing manifest fields by @hackean-msft in Configuration Schema 0.3 by @JohnMcPMS in
Explicity not support cmdlets in Windows PowerShell by @msftrubengu in Configuration Schema 0.2 by @msftrubengu in Update PSDesiredStateConfiguration module min version to 2.0.7 by @msftrubengu in...