import-module -name microsoft.winget.commandnotfound 命令详解 1. 命令用途 import-module -name microsoft.winget.commandnotfound 命令用于在 PowerShell 环境中导入 Microsoft.WinGet.CommandNotFound 模块。这个模块是一个反馈提供者插件,利用 Windows 包管理器(WinGet)来提供当原生命令无法找到时安装包的建议。它利...
TheMicrosoft.WinGet.CommandNotFoundmodule is built on theIFeedbackProviderinterface, which is available with PowerShell 7.4.0-preview.2 or above. To display prediction suggestions, you needPSReadLine 2.2.6or above. You will also needMicrosoft.WinGet.Clientversion 1.8.1133 or higher to receive sugg...
WinGet Command Not Found is a PowerShell 7 module to help you install missing packages. With this module, you will be recommended relevant WinGet packages whenever an unrecognized command is entered. - winget-command-not-found/NuGet.config at main · mi
WinGet Command Not Found is a PowerShell 7 module to help you install missing packages. With this module, you will be recommended relevant WinGet packages whenever an unrecognized command is entered. Resources Readme License MIT license Code of conduct Code of conduct Security policy Security...
请检查名称的拼写,如果包括路径,请确保路径正确,然后再试一次。所在位置 行:1 字符: 1+ winget+ ~~~+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (winget:String) [], CommandNotFoundException+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException 于是去微软商店(microsoft store)里面搜索winget,发现提示已安装,那可能是版本...
actual upgrade command which is winget upgrade --all --force --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements The code is not proactive remediation ready, but can be with a couple of exit statements. #> class Software { [string]$Name [string]$Id [string]$Version [string]$Available...
成,我输入包名 ❯ winget install Found Skype [Microsoft.Skype] This application is...
Assert:: OsVersion The configuration unit could not be found. Apply :: DeveloperMode This configuration unity was not run because an assert failed or was false. Apply :: WinGetPackage [vsPackage] This configuration unity was not run because an assert failed or was false. ...
The winget command line utility enables installing applications and other packages from the command line. usage: winget [<command>] [<options>] The following commands are available: install Installs the given package show Shows information about a package ...