唯一有效的Windows 8 PAE修补程序。原作者声称适用系统:Windows Vista SP2、、Windows 7 SP1、Windows 8。应用本补丁后,系统会识别最大128G内存。笔者仅在Windows8 32位Pro 免费WMC系统测试成功,包括“删除该修补程序”也进行了测试,结果很令人满意,没发现任何问题。并且如原作者所说,破解后桌面无任何水印。(之前...
You can easily reset or change the configuration settings in Windows Vista to include preferences for the following settings:Startup options Services that are set to start during the startup process Programs that are set to load during the startup process Pastaba These pro...
The functionality of UPHClean (v1.6) is included in the Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 User Profile Service. The User Profile Service performs all the necessary work to prevent user profile log-off errors from occurring. When the User Profile Service takes action to prevent a user profil...
Stödfilerna för alla registreringsdatafiler utom HKEY_CURRENT_USER finns i %SystemRoot%\System32\Config mappen på Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 och Windows Vista. Stödfilerna för HKEY_CURRENT_USER finns i %SystemRoot%\Profiles\Username mappen. Filnam...
When you try to install and run certain legacy games or applications in Windows Vista, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms: The game or application may not be installed correctly. The game or application may cause system instability. ...
Vista da tarefa ③: A vista Tarefa permite a um utilizador mudar rapidamente todas as aplicações e programas abertos, também pode usar a vista Tarefa para mudar de computadores de secretária. Aqui pode saber mais sobre A introdução do Virtual Desktop. Widgets ④: Os widgets mostram...
1ChipISO7816-V1 Programmer & Reader is a full-Featured ISO 7816 Programmer and Reader board designed for educational purposes only. Change Letter 1.20 [ 2018-12-02 | 96.7 KB+ | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 5177 | 5 ] Change Letter is a handy little utility that per...
Ab Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) werden im Bericht Resultant Set of Policies (RSOP) nicht alle Microsoft Gruppenrichtlinie-Einstellungen angezeigt. Verwenden Sie das Befehlszeilentool gpresult, um den vollständigen Satz von Microsoft Gruppenrichtlinie Einstellungen anzuzeigen, d...
➕ Vista Windows Server ➕ Windows Server, Version 1803*➕ Windows Server, Version 1709*➕ 2016*➕ 2012 R2*➕ 2012*✔️2008 R2 SP1*➕ 2008 R2 SP1➕ 2003 Ermitteln der installierten .NET-Version: Siehe Anweisungen. .NET Framework 3.0 Neue Features: Windows Presentation ...