Vista SP2号称是最安全的一款操作系统,除了包含之前发布的所有补丁,还将支持新的硬件以及很多新出现的行业标准,其它新增功能主要包括:蓝光刻录功能;Windows Search 4.0,带来更快更精准的搜索体验;Vista无线功能包新增对蓝牙2.1的支持,Windows Connect Now(WCN)简化了Wi-Fi配置;exFAT文件系统支持UTC timestamps,文件可以...
32位 Windo...
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Softlay provides the free single-click direct download of Windows Vista Home Basic bootable ISO (SP2). You can install 64-bit ISO on any PC. Create a bootable USB from Vista Home Basic ISO image for a fresh installation or to upgrade your Windows XP. ...
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