{deviceConfigurationId}/microsoft.graph.windowsWiredNetworkConfiguration/secondaryRootCertificateForClientValidation PATCH /deviceManagement/deviceConfigurations/{deviceConfigurationId}/microsoft.graph.windowsWiredNetworkConfiguration/rootCertificatesForServerValidation/{windows81TrustedRootCertificateId} PATCH /device...
更新windows10XTrustedRootCertificate对象的属性。 此API 可用于以下国家级云部署。 全局服务美国政府 L4美国政府 L5 (DOD)由世纪互联运营的中国 ✅✅✅✅ 权限 要调用此 API,需要以下权限之一。 若要了解详细信息,包括如何选择权限的信息,请参阅权限。
Windows 8.1 trusted root certificate List windows81TrustedRootCertificates Get windows81TrustedRootCertificate Create windows81TrustedRootCertificate Delete windows81TrustedRootCertificate Update windows81TrustedRootCertificate Windows 8.1 VPN configuration
下表显示了创建windowsPhone81TrustedRootCertificate时所需的属性。 展开表 属性类型说明 idString实体的键。 继承自deviceConfiguration lastModifiedDateTimeDateTimeOffset上次修改对象的日期/时间。 继承自deviceConfiguration roleScopeTagIds字符串集合此实体实例的范围标记列表。 继承自deviceConfiguration ...
可以仅从 Windows Update 获取 Windows RT 8.1 或 Windows RT 的更新。 有关如何下载 Microsoft 支持文件的详细信息,请单击下面的文章编号,以查看 Microsoft 知识库中相应的文章: 119591如何从联机服务获得 Microsoft 支持文件Microsoft 已对此文件进行病毒扫描。Microsoft 使用自该文件发布日期起可用的最新的...
About this update The Windows Root Certificate Program enables trusted root certificates to be distributed automatically in Windows. Usually, a client computerpolls root certificate updatesone time a week. After you apply this update, the client computer ...
to update certssudo update-ca-certificates -fto use updated envssource ~/.bashrc WSL-Docker: curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate 7 After a PC reconfiguration I am unable to use Docker properly, since some curl commands are rejected due to SSL/TLS...
wget.exe http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/updroots.sst -O c:\updroots.sst 2>&1 > $null } $Certs = get-childitem Cert:\LocalMachine\Root if((Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").ProductName -match "2008 R2|Win...
RootCATrustedCertificates SecureAssessment SecurityPolicy SharedPC Storage SUPL SurfaceHub TenantLockdown TPMPolicy UEFI UnifiedWriteFilter UniversalPrint Update VPN VPNv2 w4 APPLICATION w7 APPLICATION WiFi Win32AppInventory Win32CompatibilityAppraiser WindowsAdvancedThreatProtection WindowsAutopilot WindowsDefenderAppli...
However, user certificates that do not contain a CDP (Certificate Revocation List Distribution Point) extension (such as those from some 3 rd party CAs) will not be validated for revocation status when added to a file. If the user does not chain to a trusted root CA certificate, or the ...