下表显示了创建 windows10XTrustedRootCertificate 时所需的属性。 属性类型说明 idString配置文件标识符继承自deviceManagementResourceAccessProfileBase versionInt32从deviceManagementResourceAccessProfileBase继承的配置文件的版本 displayNameString配置文件显示名称继承自deviceManagementResourceAccessProfileBase ...
创建windows81TrustedRootCertificate 删除windows81TrustedRootCertificate 更新windows81TrustedRootCertificate Windows 8.1 VPN 配置 Windows 8.1 Wi-Fi 导入配置 Windows 证书配置文件基础 Windows Defender 高级威胁防护配置 Windows 传递优化配置 Windows 运行状况监视配置 ...
创建windows81TrustedRootCertificate 删除windows81TrustedRootCertificate 更新windows81TrustedRootCertificate Windows 8.1 VPN 配置 Windows 8.1 Wi-Fi 导入配置 Windows 证书配置文件基础 Windows Defender 高级威胁防护配置 Windows 传递优化配置 Windows 运行状况监视配置 ...
these certificates are necessary for backward compatibility. Even if there's an expired trusted root certificate, anything that was signed by using that certificatebeforethe expiration date requires that the trusted root certificate is validated. As long as expired certificates aren't revoked, they can...
these certificates are necessary for backward compatibility. Even if there's an expired trusted root certificate, anything that was signed by using that certificatebeforethe expiration date requires that the trusted root certificate is validated. As long as expired certificates aren't revoked, they can...
On certain sites the certificate chain can not be built up to the trusted root certificate because this trusted root cert is not known to Windows. But if we visit such site using IE or Chrome, Windows automatically downloads (verified) the trusted root somewhere and silently installs it to ...
Even if there's an expired trusted root certificate, anything that was signed by using that certificate before the expiration date requires that the trusted root certificate is validated. As long as expired certificates aren't revoked, they can be used to validate anything that was signed b...
You are right, that command in a batch script will install the certificate root_ca.cer into the trusted CA store. I would modify the line to be: certutil -addstore -f -enterprise -user root "%~dp0root_ca.cer" This way the shell will expand %~dp0 to the path of the exe...
If the user selects to add a certificate that does not chain to a trusted root certificate authority, it will not be added: If the user selects to add a self-signed cert that was installed by another user on the same machine, the user will be allowed to add it if they choose "Yes...
CertificateAuthority 中间证书颁发机构(CA)的X.509证书存储区。 Disallowed 吊销的证书的X.509证书存储区。 Root 受信任的根证书颁发机构(CA)的X.509证书存储区。 TrustedPeople 直接受信任的人和资源的X.509证书存储区。 TrustedPublisher 直接受信任的发行者的X.509证书存储区。 卸载证书例:删除指定证书: 删除...