为了解决这个痛点,一位来自海外的技术大牛,开发了一款名为“Super God Mode”的小工具,它可以让你如同上帝一般掌控自己的电脑。 Super God Mode(Win) Super God Mode翻译过来就是“超级上帝模式”,名字听上去就非常的霸气,说白了它其实就是一个快捷工具集,可以让你轻松找到电脑中难以找到的隐藏设置,从而实现“掌...
为了应对这种情况,国外有开发者开发了一个Super God Mode。 中文意思是超级上帝模式,系统迷感觉用起来非常方便,所以这次分享下。 它几乎将Windows可以设置调整的功能选项,都归类整理了出来。 我们无需再输入复杂命令,双击快捷方式,即可进入对应功能界面。 举个例子,以往大家要打开组策略编辑器,需要CMD输入gpedit.msc。
可以打开Windows的隐藏页面?超级上帝模式工具!查找并列出Windows系统中的所有控制面板任务、UWP应用页面、系统设置项、特殊应用链接!Github:https://github.com/ThioJoe/Windows-Super-God-Mode123云盘转载:https://www.123pan.com/s/A6A0Vv-kAXObgm:Blue Square - Ki
Windows Super God Mode,一款集大成的PowerShell脚本,革新Windows操作体验。它一键解锁系统深层潜力,汇聚隐藏文件夹、任务链接、系统设置等海量快捷方式,涵盖CLSID外壳、命名特殊文件夹、深层链接及隐藏应用等多元类别。超越传统“上帝模式”,其快捷方式数量更为丰富。无需繁琐手动操作,运行脚本即享全面快捷访问,省时高效,...
The "Extra Tools" folder contains additional scripts that complement the main functionality of Windows Super God Mode: Get_DLL_String_Reference.ps1 This script allows you to easily retrieve the localized string of a single specific string reference. Features: Interactively prompts for string references...
Creates shortcuts to virtually every special location or action built into Windows - Windows-Super-God-Mode/SuperGodMode-EasyLauncher.bat at main · progray/Windows-Super-God-Mode
for advanced users. It gives you a swathe of advanced tools and options that let you tweak Windows to your liking. Despite offering a ton of features, not everyone is happy with it, as proven by someone developing an unofficial "Super God Mode" that can now do even more than ever ...
When you boot up Super God Mode, you're going to see a ton of settings that may seem daunting at first. Don't fret; the developer was kind enough to set everything up for you in advance. If you're not sure what you're doing with this screen, just hit the "Run Script" button ...