Godmode上帝模式程序图标 双击运行程序后,出现程序主界面,在这里,可以很方便的调整“BitLocker驱动器加密”,“Internet选项”,“电源选项”,“电话和调制解调器”,“程序和功能”等等,见下图: Godmode上帝模式程序主界面 怎么样,超级控制面板这把瑞士军刀是否会让你爱上小7呢? Windows7上帝模式GodMode程序下载地址: h...
32位的 Windows Vista 也是支持这项功能的,操作步骤是一样的哦! 另外,虽然文件名的后面一部分.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}不能更改,但是前一半GodMode还是能变动的,所以,你可以为这个模式起个特别点的名字,比如:小易模式 原文地址:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/979240/zh-cn...
.\Super_God_Mode.ps1 -Output "C:\SuperGodMode" -AllURLProtocols -Verbose Output The script creates a folder (default name: "Super God Mode") containing: Shortcuts to CLSID-based shell folders Shortcuts to named special folders Shortcuts to task links Shortcuts to system settings (ms-settin...
02、多窗口一键分屏-合理布局 在使用电脑的过程中,经常会打开很多个软件窗口,而一些高频使用的软件窗口...
在Windows上面安装Visual Studio Code代码编辑器时,常常会因为安装的时候忘记勾选相关选项等原因,没有将“Open with Code”(右键快捷方式)添加到鼠标右键菜单里,所以需要手动将VSCode相关快捷打开添加至鼠标右键菜单之中。。 简介 我们经常需要在 Windows 用 VS Code...
PolicyMaker Application Security and Protection Manager both determine in kernel-mode code whether, when, and how to modify a process token. Since passwords are not used, they’re not at risk, and the modification decision cannot be interfered with by non-admins....
Contains 500+ free and stand-alone PowerShell scripts for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. Useful on the command-line (CLI), for remote control via SSH, for automation (e.g. via AutoHotkey/Jenkins or on startup/login/logoff/daily/shutdown/etc.), for context menus, for voice commands (see...
Hi, I decided to finally upgrade to Windows 11 22H2 on my host machine. Upgrade was smooth and all seems to be running fine until I started Vmware Workstation P
Windows Terminal now comes with quake mode! Quake mode allows you to quickly open a new terminal instance from anywhere in Windows by typingWin+`. The quake window will appear on the top half of your screen and can easily be dismissed with the same keyboard shortcut. If you want to furth...
Template to be used (C:\\Windows\\schemas\\CodeIntegrity\\ExamplePolicies) \n \n Allowed All Applications \n\n AllowAll.xml \n \n Allowed All Enabled HVCI \n\n AllowAll_EnableHVCI.xml (Enable Hypervisor-Code-Integrity in Memory)